Ève Ruggieri

출생 : 1939-03-13, Limoges, Haute-Vienne, France

프로필 사진

Ève Ruggieri

참여 작품

Pavarotti, Birth of a Pop Star
Although he is unanimously credited with having democratised opera, making it accessible to the greatest number, focus is rarely put on the strategy he devised and implemented in order to carry out his actions, nor what his actions reveal of the man and artist, and of the resulting metamorphosis from opera singer to pop artist. Through this angle, this film sets out to pay tribute to the man who summed up his credo, obsession and life’s work, in the following way: “They led the public to believe that classical music belonged to a restricted elite. I was the way to prove to the world that was wrong.
파리의 연인들
줄거리 파리보다 사랑이 더 좋은 (파리의 연인들) | 스타일리쉬한 도시 그러나, 사랑은 심플하게! 화려한 도시의 삶을 동경한 할머니의 꿈을 이뤄주기 위해 파리에 올라와, 몽떼뉴 거리 극장 옆 바에서 웨이트리스로 일하게 된 제시카. 유명 TV 여배우, 피아니스트, 예술품 수집가 등 사랑에 서툰 파리의 예술가들은 엉뚱할 정도로 순수하고 꾸밈없는 제시카를 통해 있는 그대로의 솔직한 자신을 드러내는 것만으로도 진짜 행복한 사랑을 할 수 있다는 것을 깨닫게 되고, 제시카 또한 사랑의 도시 파리와 어울리는 로맨틱한 사랑을 시작하게 되는데…
Un fil à la patte
Bois d'Enghien, engaged to a young girl from a good family, has to break up with Lucette Gautier, his mistress, a dilettante of salons. Not having been able to tell her of his break-up, he finds her at her fiancée's house, invited for the event. A Mexican general, jealous of his rivals, arrives and complicates the situation, as does a notary clerk, Bouzin, a singer in his spare time.
The French as Seen by…
Self - Host
In 1988, Figaro magazine asked a few famous directors to direct a series of short movies to celebrate the 10 years of the revue. The movies have been released for the French revolution bicentenary. Includes: Werner Herzog's Les Gaulois, David Lynch's The Cowboy and the Frenchman, Andrzej Wajda's Proust contre la déchéance, Luigi Comencini's Pèlerinage à Agen, Jean-Luc Godard's Le dernier mot.