Ahmet Cihan

참여 작품

Visual Effects Designer
The true story of a man who grew up surrounded by violence and absence of love. But despite everything he became a world-class networking master in his business life. He started from the bottom and was able to reach the top. His story show us that there is no obstacle that cannot be overcome in life.
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Visual Effects
불손한 태도의 반항적인 천재 귈세렌. 쿠데타 등의 정치적 혼란과 사회 변화의 흐름에 맞서 살아간다. 외로움을 느끼고, 사랑을 만나고, 상실을 겪으며 인생을 헤쳐나가는 그녀의 이야기.
Entity Project
A director and her friends renting a haunted house to capture paranormal events in order to prove it and become popular.
Bad Boy
Visual Effects Designer
Kayla and Meriç seeks to find love inbetween purposeless teenagers who wants to fight Meriç without any reason.