Memphis Party Guest
When teenage Priscilla Beaulieu meets Elvis Presley at a party, the man who is already a meteoric rock-and-roll superstar becomes someone entirely unexpected in private moments: a thrilling crush, an ally in loneliness, a vulnerable best friend.
작지만 이웃 간의 정이 깊은 마을로 이사 온 ‘클레어’와 딸 ‘사라’. 마을을 대표하는 농구팀에 입단한 ‘사라’는 팀원들이 주최하는 파티에 참석했다 실종된다. ‘클레어’는 실종 당일 함께 있던 팀원들을 수사할 것을 요청하지만 주민들은 되레 그녀가 결백한 아이들을 의심한다며 등을 돌린다. 외로운 수사를 이어가던 ‘클레어’에게 발신자 불명의 영상이 도착하고 그 안에는 충격적 진실이 담겨 있는데!
Excitable Student
When new author Cassie is paired with successful author Elliot on a promotional book tour, she learns to believe in her talent. She also finds truth in the old adage “you can’t judge a book by its cover” as she falls for the guy she once thought to be pompous and full of himself.
In order to escape her looming post-graduation fate that includes student debt and zero romantic prospects, Blake Conway becomes a sugar baby. As the aspiring journalist and hopeless romantic documents the adventure, she sets out on a quest to figure out if society is right to judge these women and if her own self worth comes with a price.