A Single Mom's 9 Year old daughter (Chantal Stevens) and 15 year old son (Kenneth Stevens) are rebellious against the idea of mom (Mrs. Stevens) wanting to hire a Nanny. Follow this Family Comedy as Kenneth and Chantal have their hilarious brother and sister rivalry, while at the same time deterring potential nannies when one nanny really catches their hearts.
A Single Mom's 9 Year old daughter (Chantal Stevens) and 15 year old son (Kenneth Stevens) are rebellious against the idea of mom (Mrs. Stevens) wanting to hire a Nanny. Follow this Family Comedy as Kenneth and Chantal have their hilarious brother and sister rivalry, while at the same time deterring potential nannies when one nanny really catches their hearts.
A Single Mom's 9 Year old daughter (Chantal Stevens) and 15 year old son (Kenneth Stevens) are rebellious against the idea of mom (Mrs. Stevens) wanting to hire a Nanny. Follow this Family Comedy as Kenneth and Chantal have their hilarious brother and sister rivalry, while at the same time deterring potential nannies when one nanny really catches their hearts.
Principal Garret
A Single Mom's 9 Year old daughter (Chantal Stevens) and 15 year old son (Kenneth Stevens) are rebellious against the idea of mom (Mrs. Stevens) wanting to hire a Nanny. Follow this Family Comedy as Kenneth and Chantal have their hilarious brother and sister rivalry, while at the same time deterring potential nannies when one nanny really catches their hearts.
Nigerian General (uncredited)
국가안보기관에서 일하는 해리(아놀드 슈왈츠네거)는 아내 헬렌(제이미 리 커티스)에게 세일즈맨이라고 속이며 살고 있다. 어느날 아내가 가짜 첩보원에게 반해 한눈을 팔자 해리는 아내를 뒤쫓는다. 그러던 중 해리는 가짜 첩보원의 배후에 중동의 미군 철수를 요구하는 아지즈가 있음을 알게 된다. 그들 테러분자에게 잡혀간 딸을 구하기 위해 해리는 아내와 힘을 합친다.