Park manager Fiona is tasked with taking care of some former friends who won an exclusive private sneak preview of Halloween at Liseberg - a whole night, all alone in the empty park. But cotton candy, lovely rides and lots of laughter soon turn into something completely different, as they realize they are not alone in the park. And the night of dreams quickly turns into a true nightmare.
Police trainee Vilhelm Beck is out on an internship with his supervisor when, during a routine burglary case, he finds a dead 17-year-old boy at the scene of the crime.
Joanna's brain is like an analogue twitter, also known as ADHD. When her medicine runs out she tries to handle the stress for money, the consequences of an unexpected drug deal and her blustery feelings for Audrey.
To fall in love for the first time. How do you know? What do you do? Adam arrives as a new classmate, and meets Eva. Suddenly everything becomes different. Eva has just entered into an anti-boys pact with her best friend Annika because all the boys in the world are so childish. But nothing is as wonderful as the first love. And nothing is so difficult. When Eva and Adam meet, it is difficult to stop the emotions. Maybe impossible.
오랜만에 만난 에릭과 엘린은 둘이 처음 만났던 어둡고 마법 같은 여름을 회상한다. 둘은 아직 어린아이였고, 둘의 부모 린다와 피에테르는 마약 중독자였다. 네 사람은 아름답고 강렬했던 몇 개월을 진짜 가족처럼 보낸다. 하지만 린다와 피에테르가 무너져 내리기 시작하면서 두 아이는 생존을 위해 싸워야 했는데.