Joyce Graeme

참여 작품

The Changeling
Sexual passion breeds violence in the Thomas Middleton and William Rowley written tale of a beautiful woman who falls in love with a sea-captain. Filmed with lush production values and at a leisurely, very British pace, Helen Mirren is riveting as Beatrice-Joanna, a young lass already torn by love and commitment.Beatrice-Joanna (Helen Mirren) is betrothed to Lord Alonzo de Piraquo (Malcolm Reynolds) but is in love with Alsemero (Brian Cox). She hires her father's manservant, De Flores (Stanley Baker), to kill Alonzo but after he has done so, she realises De Flores wants her as a reward.The Changeling was an instalment of the BBC's Play of the Month series and is a production for television of a 1622 Jacobean tragedy of the same name, written by Thomas Middleton and William Rowley.
피의 극장
Meths Drinker
에드워드는 셰익스피어 극에만 출연하는 배우다. ´올해의 배우상´ 수상에 실패하자 그는 딸을 끌어들여 셰익스피어 희곡들에 나온 살인 장면들을 연기한다. 컬트적 매력이 충만한, 엉뚱하고 신선한 코미디 호러 각색물.