Neha Choksi

참여 작품

Fetish Puppies Break Free!
In 1934 Berlin, a Black Jew who is married to a White German is visited by a friend who urges him to flee the country. A screening of a German expressionistic film about a horny Golem resurrected by Mark Zuckerberg is disrupted by a visit of a man from the future.
Faith in Friction
Comprised of seven films edited out of the same footage provided to seven different editors, Faith in Friction is a multi-channel installation featuring the artist and her friends. Exploring the relationship between herself and her community, Choksi tests her belief that to learn to be oneself, one always needs others. The films were shot on the construction site of an expansive Jain ashram in India. Inventing open ended and playful situations for her participants, Choksi examines the connections and tensions between solitude and collaboration.