Charlotte Arène

참여 작품

The Sea is Too Much to Drink
« La mer à boire » is a french idiom that translates as « drinking the sea ». It means, a task too great to undertake, or asking too much of someone. I had some trouble with the sea that year.
Les Nouveaux Secrets de notre hérédité
The Hairy Nobel
This is the story of the 2016 Nobel Prize in Physics, which was awarded for research that started in 1980 and involved electrons, coffee cups, donuts... and a hairy ball. Or how a small, curious experiment eventually led to a whole new field of research.
The Hairy Nobel
This is the story of the 2016 Nobel Prize in Physics, which was awarded for research that started in 1980 and involved electrons, coffee cups, donuts... and a hairy ball. Or how a small, curious experiment eventually led to a whole new field of research.