“SENIOR DISCOUNT’d” is a Docu-Drama of a day-in-the-life of a gentleman who has reached the age in today’s society in which he is considered old but not elderly. As a documentary, this film delves into the current universal ageist issues such as being rejected in business and society due to their age bracket and its rippling effect. “SENIOR DISCOUNT’d” is a powerful film on many levels. Another is as a very challenging realistic Christian film with no sugar no inspirational ending but an ending to grab the audience to reflect on today’s society and their own spirituality. It is a powerful drama that continually reels you in which also subtly brings up the topic of suicide prevention.
“SENIOR DISCOUNT’d” is a Docu-Drama of a day-in-the-life of a gentleman who has reached the age in today’s society in which he is considered old but not elderly. As a documentary, this film delves into the current universal ageist issues such as being rejected in business and society due to their age bracket and its rippling effect. “SENIOR DISCOUNT’d” is a powerful film on many levels. Another is as a very challenging realistic Christian film with no sugar no inspirational ending but an ending to grab the audience to reflect on today’s society and their own spirituality. It is a powerful drama that continually reels you in which also subtly brings up the topic of suicide prevention.
“SENIOR DISCOUNT’d” is a Docu-Drama of a day-in-the-life of a gentleman who has reached the age in today’s society in which he is considered old but not elderly. As a documentary, this film delves into the current universal ageist issues such as being rejected in business and society due to their age bracket and its rippling effect. “SENIOR DISCOUNT’d” is a powerful film on many levels. Another is as a very challenging realistic Christian film with no sugar no inspirational ending but an ending to grab the audience to reflect on today’s society and their own spirituality. It is a powerful drama that continually reels you in which also subtly brings up the topic of suicide prevention.
A scientist is targeted by an unlimited amount of contract killers for reasons he doesn't know.
Sheriff Stevens
A team of misfit kids playing at a baseball park are caught in a meteorite strike that burns the fields, leaving them unharmed but believing they are endowed with special powers.
Cowboy Patron (uncredited)
일류 레스토랑의 셰프 칼 캐스퍼는 레스토랑 오너에게 메뉴 결정권을 뺏긴 후 유명 음식 평론가의 혹평을 받자 홧김에 트위터로 욕설을 보낸다. 이들의 썰전은 온라인 핫이슈로 등극하고 칼은 레스토랑을 그만두기에 이른다. 아무것도 남지 않은 그는 쿠바 샌드위치 푸드트럭에 도전한다. 그 동안 일에 치여 소원했던 아들과 함께 미국 전역을 일주하며 온라인을 통해 입소문을 타기 시작하던 중, 문제의 평론가가 푸드트럭에 다시 찾아오는데... 과연 칼은 셰프로서의 명예를 되찾을 수 있을까?
Denis went into the office Friday morning. Ten minutes later he was fired and his entire world changed. As a man in mid-life crisis, he believed there has to be more to life than this. A stray dog in the park opens his eyes.
The year was 1887, in a little-known town in Texas situated on the banks of the Brazos River. Brazos was once a quiet and peaceful place to live and raise a family; but that was before the Nate Jones Gang rode in.