Em Cooper

참여 작품

어슐러 르 귄의 환상특급
Animation Director
고인이 된 페미니스트 작가 어슐러 르 귄의 놀라운 삶과 유산을 탐구하는 최초의 장편 다큐멘터리. 르 귄은 세계 3대 판타지 소설로 꼽히는 '어스시 시리즈'와 '바람의 열두 방향', '어둠의 왼손', '빼앗긴 자들'과 같은 획기적인 공상 과학 소설과 판타지 작품으로 잘 알려진 작가다. 르 귄이 10년 동안 함께해 만들어진 이 다큐멘터리는 작가가 걸어온 길과 신념, 작품 세계를 현실적이면서도 환상적으로 안내해 준다.
Animation Director
Robert Rooy's documentary follows DJ Savarese ("Deej"), a nonspeaking autistic writer and poet. The film explores his difficult early life, his quest for an education, and his advocacy for other nonspeaking autistics.
30% – Women & Politics in Sierra Leone
The story of the ten-year battle to achieve fair representation for women in the governance of Sierra Leone is passionately revealed to us by three women from diverse backgrounds. Bernadette Lahai, Salamatu Kamara and Barbara Bangura share their stories of the impediments women face within the world of politics in Sierra Leone. Em Cooper’s exquisite oil painted animation combined with live-action video transforms issues of gender and politics into a compelling and thought-provoking viewing experience.
30% – Women & Politics in Sierra Leone
The story of the ten-year battle to achieve fair representation for women in the governance of Sierra Leone is passionately revealed to us by three women from diverse backgrounds. Bernadette Lahai, Salamatu Kamara and Barbara Bangura share their stories of the impediments women face within the world of politics in Sierra Leone. Em Cooper’s exquisite oil painted animation combined with live-action video transforms issues of gender and politics into a compelling and thought-provoking viewing experience.
30% – Women & Politics in Sierra Leone
The story of the ten-year battle to achieve fair representation for women in the governance of Sierra Leone is passionately revealed to us by three women from diverse backgrounds. Bernadette Lahai, Salamatu Kamara and Barbara Bangura share their stories of the impediments women face within the world of politics in Sierra Leone. Em Cooper’s exquisite oil painted animation combined with live-action video transforms issues of gender and politics into a compelling and thought-provoking viewing experience.