about a group of friends going through a life transforming journey of self discovery. The storyline revolves around the mysterious disappearring of one of the four university friends who later re-unite under shocking circumstances. Prominently successful in their respective fields, the three are collectivelly affected and a series of events expose a social evil in a very dramatic way. Thus, bringing a change within themselves.
An ambitious girl seeks out her destiny and true love , when tables start to take a turn she meets a man who gives her a completely new perspective to life and love.
«Sard», an adaptation of the «Thanda Gosht» by Saadat Hassan Manto, is a story of a couple living in an imagined lawless society on the brink of collapse. The main character SANNAN (Ashar Azmat) and his sensual and affectionate ROMANA (Sandeep Garcha) love each other deeply and they have a dream of leaving the dystopic society in which they live. However, a disturbing incident threatens their relationship. SANNAN discovers the darkest corner of his mind, resulting in a terribly gruesome act. On his deathbed he realizes that he has reached the bottom of immorality. The entire story takes place during one night only.
Assistant Director
집(우주)으로 돌아갈 리모콘을 도둑 맞은 외계인 피케이(아미르 칸). 되찾을 수 있는 방법은 오직 신만이 알고 있다? 각종 종교 의식을 행하며 신을 찾아 헤매는데.. 우리를 만든 신! 우리가 만든 신! 당신이 믿는 신은 누굽니까? 9월 3일, 신에 대한 발칙한 도발이 시작된다!