Nefise Karatay

Nefise Karatay

출생 : 1976-04-26, Hessen, Germany

프로필 사진

Nefise Karatay
Nefise Karatay

참여 작품

카라타이: 태양의 전사
Fatma Bacı
지금의 터키인 13세기 셀주크 제국은 몽골의 침략으로 국가가 무너질 위기에 처한다. 제국의 땅을 놓고 몽골의 노얀과 셀주크 술탄의 군대가 전쟁을 벌이는 내용을 담은 극영화
Fatih'in Fedaisi Kara Murat
Kara Murat is a dark-haired, brave and strong young raider. He is a warrior who could run into the Byzantine army just by himself and change the course of the battle fought in Serbia between Ottoman and Byzantine empires. He patrols the Ottoman borders along with the raiders and catches the attention of The Byzantine. During the battle, Kara Murat proves to be such a brave and fearless man. He would then do his best to defend his land, his people, Ottoman Empire and his family. Orhan Celebi, younger brother of Sultan Murat only aims for the throne. However, Sultan Murat leaves the throne to his son and a new era begins with Sultan Mehmet: A young, brave and believing man. The ones who think Sultan Mehmet is weak take advantage of this and they come up with evil plans.
O Kadın