Interior Designer
복권에 당첨된 부부. 각자 당첨금을 독차지하기 위해 상대방을 죽일 계획을 세우면서 심각한 일들이 벌어진다.
Production Design
Marcin, who is struggling to raise his 10-year-old daughter Emi, who lives with a prosthetic hand, receives an order from a client nicknamed EL-2040 on the eve of the premiere of the dance show "Algorithmic", which takes place on the anniversary of his wife's death.
Production Design
조산아로 태어나 자폐 진단을 받은 그제고즈는 자신만의 세계에서 살고 있다. 그의 유일한 취미는 집안에 있는 오래되고 고장난 피아노를 두드리는 것 뿐이다. 그가 15세가 되던 해 생일, 그는 자신의 고립이 사실 자폐증이 아니라 청각 장애였다는 사실을 알게 된다. 스카진스키 교수의 도움 덕에 인공 와우를 장착한 그제고즈는 말하기, 듣기 능력과 함께 음악적 재능을 발견하게 되고, 피아니스트가 되어 콘서트 홀에서 베토벤의 월광 소나타를 연주할 수 있기를 꿈꾼다.
Production Design
Marta's surprise birthday party sets in motion a spiral of tragic events.
Production Design
A remote, and a bit crazy to be honest, psychiatric hospital receives a curious patient —one who he doesn’t move nor speak but spends his days standing with his hands up. The only thing known is his nickname — “The Atlas”. In a word, he is a riddle and riveting one at that, like an itch you cannot quite scratch. Theories and informed-and-fact-based-gossip flourish all around the place. As luck would have it, so does the conflict as what to do with him. The situation is close to exploding, but the Atlas won’t stir. Or will he?
Set Designer
Impossible love, betrayal, and revenge, a surrealistic hypnotic journey unlike any other.
Art Direction
Thrown to rot in a narrow and gloomy cell of a hideous Soviet prison, a weary new inmate struggles to come to terms with the new reality. Within the grey cage, an unwelcoming fellow convict cautions the newcomer not to touch the intriguingly mysterious red wooden box which rests on the lower bunk, moreover, not even think of opening it. Why is there so much secrecy about the contents of the box? Could there be hiding the means to his escape?