Agent PC sécurité
A translator working for the police gets involved in the other side of drug dealing.
Policier civils
여기 세 형제가 있다. 마약상 큰형과 법대생 작은형, 감수성이 예민한 막내. 인생은 선택의 연속이라지만, 소외된 외곽 지역에서 옳은 선택을 하기란 쉽지 않다. 이제 형제는 잘못된 선택이 부른 혹독한 현실을 목도한다.
Isabella is the ambitious new owner of her family’s Oregon winery whose dream of becoming world-renowned takes a big step forward when she enters a prestigious wine competition in Paris. Upon arrival, Isabella meets her biggest competitor, Jacques, from one of the world’s foremost winemaking families. Impressed by Isabella and her expertise in wine, a budding romance develops between them.
The mood is heated. Demonstrations are taking place across France, also in front of the Paris hotel where an Italian named Giorgio is booking the bridal suite for him and his boyfriend Antonio. Hotel manager Diana doesn’t trust them and calls the police to get rid of the odd couple. Italians? Homosexuals? Criminals? In the charged atmosphere of the Hotel Occidental, little is needed for initial suspicions to be aroused.