Leandro Vieira

참여 작품

세계적인 축구 선수 디아만티노는 특유의 경기 감각을 잃고 불명예 은퇴에 이르게 된다. 그는 여전히 국제적인 아이콘으로서 새로운 목표를 좇아 광란의 여정에 나선다. 그 속에서 그가 마주하는 네오파시즘, 난민 위기, 유전자 조작 그리고 천재 발굴 등의 다채로운 이슈가 펼쳐진다.
The Visit
Matthew lives with his uncle Theo, whom he calls a father. His real father was living abroad when he was very small, so he even has his father memories. Today, Matthew finally receives a visit from his real father, what will bring you some questions.
At Midnight I'll Take Your Soul
Coffin Joe terrorizes a small peasant community in his search for the perfect woman to bear him a child.