Saidmurad Ziyautdinov

참여 작품

뒤바뀐 운명
유능한 변호사는 현재 살인을 시도한 혐의로 체포당한 부유한 부인의 변호를 준비 중이다. 그녀는 가족의 친구에게 성폭행을 당할 뻔했고 이에 저항했을 뿐이라고 주장한다. 그런데 재판 과정에서 한 통의 편지가 발견되며 이야기는 예상치 못한 국면으로 흘러간다. 서머셋 몸의 『편지』를 원작으로 한 작품
The Bride from Vuadil
A romance by Ali Khamraev with musical numbers interspersed
I Remember You
A dying woman’s wish sends her son on a train journey from the steppes of Uzbekistan to the Russian hinterland in search of his father’s grave. Just as the traveler’s home city of Samarkand is situated on the border between East and West, Khamraev balances his film on the edge of two cultures, evoking the soul of Russia and the crumbling beauty of what was once the Silk Road.
This intriguing mixture of melodrama and politics is not divided into three parts; the title instead refers to three female characters whose lives intersect in a small town in northern Uzbekistan during the difficult days following World War II. The first is an old woman trapped in a forced marriage; the second is a schoolteacher imposing progress on the remote region; the third, and most important, is Khalima (Kambarova), an illiterate but determined young woman who resolves to build her own house without either her husband's or the state's approval. The film's harsh vision of life in postwar Uzbekistan, as well as its ambivalent attitude toward the conflicting demands of individualism and collectivism, made it the object of official disapproval.
The Bodyguard
The setting is Central Asia during the Russian civil war. In the post-revolutionary twenties, when the power in European Russia was (officially) "fully in the hands of the workers and peasants", but the fight against the Basmachi rebels was in full swing. When a Red Army detachment captures Sultan Mazar, the brains behind the Bazmachi contingent, a decision is made to escort urgently the prisoner to the Bukhara province. The difficult mission is entrusted to a grizzled mountain trapper and conscientious revolutionary called Mirzo. His expertise is essential to traverse the precarious paths and steep mountain ridges along the way, impossible terrain for the inexperienced. A group consisting of Mirzo, his brother Kova, the Sultan, his daughter Zaranghis and slave Saifulla set off on this journey. They are forced to fight on the mountain ridges as well as negotiate the natural dangers and harsh elements.