Mrs. Wright
어느 시골, 미혼모 ‘메리’는 경제적인 이유로 남자친구 ‘지미’와 떨어져 외딴 수녀원에서 새로운 삶을 시작하게 된다. 그곳에서 어린 미혼모들은 겁에 질린 표정으로 그녀를 맞이하고, 엄격한 규율 속 알 수 없는 공포감에 휩싸인 ‘메리’는 점차 수녀원에 감춰진 충격적인 비밀들을 알게 되는데…
Nice Lady (uncredited)
미국 텍사스 출신 19살 보병 ‘빌리 린’과 그의 7명의 분대원들이 이라크전에서 참전 중 언론의 주목을 받아 영웅으로 떠오르자 미국정부가 그들을 고향으로 데려와 홍보투어를 시키게 되고 주인공들은 이라크 전쟁터로 복귀하기 전에 미국 텍사스주에서 열리는 추수감사절 미식축구 경기의 하프타임쇼에도 동원되게 되는데 바로 그 경기 중에 무언가가 벌어지는데..
Milly Staples
Joy and her family fly to help her mother-in-law Loraine with the difficult move from her home in Louisville, Kentucky 600 miles away to a retirement community near the family in Savannah, Georgia. But after a mixed-up flight reservation, Joy reluctantly agrees to take the trip in Loraine's Oldsmobile. Despite their many differences with adventures at every turn and trapped in the car together, they both discover they each may be the best friend they never knew they needed. And realize the love of family is all you need to bridge life's many seasons.
Georgiana Moran
1971년 로드 아일랜드, 해리스빌. 페론 가족은 꿈에 그리던 새 집으로 이사를 간다. 물론 1863년에 그 집에서 일어난 끔찍한 살인 사건을 전혀 몰랐다. 또한 그 이후에 일어난 많은 무서운 사건에 대해서도 알지 못했다. 이 가족은 그 집에서 겪은 일이 너무 무서워서 한 마디라도 외부에 언급하는 것을 거절했었다. 지금까지는…
Mrs. Jean Bertier
대다수의 백인들이 흑인학교와 백인학교의 통합을 격렬하게 반대하던 1970년대 버지니아주, 흑인인 허먼 분(덴젤 워싱턴)은 신설된 T.C.윌리엄스 고교의 풋볼팀 '타이탄스'의 감독으로 부임하게 된다. 인근 백인고교의 베테랑 감독인 빌 요스트(윌 패튼)가 조감독으로 밀려나자 백인 선수들은 이에 강력하게 반기를 든다. 허먼은 "내 말은 곧 법"이라며 엄격하게 선수들을 훈련시키고, 반항하던 백인 선수들은 차츰 흑인선수들과 팀웍을 이루게 된다. 조감독 요스트 역시 불쾌한 심정을 접고 허먼과는 다른 스타일로 선수들을 지도하고 타이탄스는 연승행진을 거둔다. 그러나, 마셜 고등학교와 버지니아 주 결승전을 앞둔 상황에서 주장인 게리(라이언 허스트)가 교통사고로 하반신이 마비되자 타이탄스는 의기소침해지는데...
Phyllis Carter
A cop and his expensive fiancée, a bank teller, plan the perfect bank robbery. All goes well until the FBI suspects, almost immediately, an inside job
Margaret Camden
In the sleepy town of Vine Creek, preacher and volunteer fireman Joe Cass wakes up to realize his family and community are at a breaking point. Joe decides to take control of his life and must prove his bravery when he is called to save a child trapped inside a burning building. Lost inside the inferno, a mysterious fireman helps them to safety and quickly disappears. As Joe waits for the mystery fireman to come forward, rumors circulate throughout Vine Creek that the apparition was an angel sent from above.
Sarah and Harriet have been best friends since childhood. They married at the same time, had children within the same year and now find themselves facing uncertain futures after the sudden deaths of their husbands. Though they have much in common, Sarah is a relaxed nature lover, while Harriet is intense and set in her ways. Sarah has been able to move on with her life with the help of her mother, her maid Katie and Will, the new man in her life. Harriet is unable to cope with her loss and her relationship with her daughter Pammy is strained. When Harriet is diagnosed with a serious illness, she and Sarah learn a lesson about love and friendship.
A kind nurse finds herself embroiled in a tense and potentially deadly family affair when she falls for the son of her ruthless new husband.
Mrs. Vale
Two years after her last failed relationship, Emily Vale has stopped believing in love. This brings her to the attention of Venus who sends her son Cupid down to Earth to pierce her with an arrow in the hope of changing her mind. Unfortunately, the handsome but hapless Cupid misses and the arrow strikes his own heart making him fall hopelessly in love with Emily. Thus he is granted temporary leave from paradise in order to pursue her. However, not only does he have a limited time on Earth, but also Emily's last boyfriend, the handsome but sleazy Ted has just shown up intent on winning her back. Which one will Emily choose? And is she ready to open her heart and accept love into her life once more?
The story of Hazel Brannon Smith, a Southern newspaper publisher who risked the loss of everything she loved by defying the bigotry of her neighbors in the 1950s.
Wanda Merrill
A highly respected and revered baseball coach has been accused by a female student of conducting some kind of research that borders on sexual molestation. When her parents decide to report him to the authorities. They are held in contempt, because the community can't believe that this wonderful man could do the things that they are accusing him of.