Lin Chih-ju

Lin Chih-ju

출생 : 1961-01-26, Hsinchu, Taiwan

프로필 사진

Lin Chih-ju

참여 작품

Right Jabs
It’s supposed to be an energetic morning, but Zhe, a real estate agent, feels suffocated and oppressed. With nowhere to go, he heads to a house that he can’t sell and calls for an escort, unexpectedly opening up new possibilities for both of them.
Jason and his mother, Yun, make big bucks together in Chinatown swindling money out of people since Jason was little. Along with the grocery store owner Andy who took them in since Jason was a baby, they decide to do one last big job. Their target is Mrs. Apple, the founder of Tao Lin, a world renowned porcelain company. Jason pretends to be that rich old granny's long lost grandson, and Mrs. Apple insists on bringing Jason back to Taiwan, so that Jason can officially reclaim his heritage. In Mrs. Apple's extravagant house, these foreigners start role-playing to infiltrate the Zong Family. Jason starts to feel the warmth of being a part of a family that he has never felt before. This has greatly affected Team America's plan, the three of them start to blame and fight each other. Their cover is about to be exposed, but somehow the truth of Jason's family mystery is revealed..
Coo-Coo 043
The sound of wings reverberates through the air. In the murky half-light, race pigeon 043 has finally returned after seven years. The family's barely-maintained peace after their son's missing is shattered by 043's return, as the daughter brings a street boy home. Things begin to change gradually, so do the people. In the aftershock of the storm, what course should the wounded follow?
The Last Shot
Middle-aged A-San, who has been single for many years, finally feels his heart beating again. But he is hesitant in taking action and asking out Yu-lian. His best friend is someone who has always been on his side and has never abandoned him, but can’t take his celibacy anymore. This friend is his penis. His soft, flaccid penis turns into a human. He swears to God that he will turn his loser life around and get laid. So A-San and his penis duke it out for control of sense and sensibility.
Goddamned Asura
Village chief
On his 18th birthday, Jan Wen shoots randomly at the crowds in a night market for unknown reasons. The tragic incident causes a strong impact on the lives of his family and friends, the victims and the witnesses. However, if there was a chance for them to make different choices, would the tragedy still happen? Will it be a different outcome if they all changed their behaviour at the crucial moment?
만년이 지나도 변하지 않는 게 있어
Mi's Father
샤오미만 사랑해 온 직진남 샤오룬, 하지만 청혼하려던 순간 갑작스런 사고로 저승에 간다. 환생하고 싶으면 붉은 실로 커플 매칭을 하는 월하노인 업무를 수행해야 한다는데, 하필 사사건건 부딪히던 핑키와 파트너가 된다. 드디어 이승으로 내려온 월하노인 샤오룬과 핑키. 그런데 이게 웬 운명의 장난? 우리가 인연을 맺어줘야 할 인간이 샤오룬이 평생 사랑했던 단 한 사람, 샤오미란다!
속거나 속이거나
Chou Tsai Hsing
48시간 안에 다이아몬드를 되찾아 오라는 조직의 명령을 받은 부패 경찰 펑. 그 몰래 조직의 다이아몬드를 훔쳐 도주한 파트너 치앙의 휴대폰 신호를 추적하다 오지의 한 마을에 도착한다. 치앙을 찾으려던 펑과 부하들은, 순박해 보이지만 수상한 마을 주민들과 사연 가득해 보이는 귀신과 조우하게 된다.
A paid supporter and his grandson came from the south to visit his only son, a long-detained political prisoner. "My son, do not forget me." The prisoner' roar is the most reactionary appeal under the peaceful new political power.
맨 인 러브
사랑이라곤 해본 적 없는 거친 남자 '아쳉'. 사채를 업으로 채무자들의 빚을 받으러 다니던 ‘아쳉’은 큰 빚을 지고 병상에 누워있는 아버지를 돌보는 '하오팅'을 보고 첫눈에 반해 자신과 데이트를 하면 빚을 갚아주겠다는 제안을 한다. 말도 안 되는 제안을 수락한 ‘하오팅’은 만남이 거듭될수록 ‘아쳉’의 마음이 진심임을 느끼게 되고 그녀 역시 마음을 열게 된다. 그러던 어느 날, 깊어진 사랑으로 함께하는 소박한 꿈을 꾸던 그들 앞에 예상치 못한 사건이 그들의 행복을 위협하기 시작하는데… 사랑에 서툰 남자, 사랑이 두려운 여자의 슬픈 러브스토리가 시작된다!
A Leg
Wang Qian
“Leg” follows the journey of a wife who battles to keep her husband’s body intact after he dies of a leg amputation.
네 마음에 새겨진 이름
Old Lonely Man in Park
오랜 계엄령이 해제된 직후 1980년대의 대만. 오늘날과는 달리 보수적인 사회 분위기에 LGBTQ 커뮤니티가 소외당하던 시절, 남자 기숙학교에 다니는 두 남고생이 우정과 사랑의 경계에서 서로에게 강렬하게 이끌린다. 하지만 학교가 남녀 공학으로 바뀌고 한 여학생이 등장하면서 급격히 흔들리는 두 사람. 이들은 과연 서로를 지킬 수 있을까.
Dear Orange
Dear Orange
아호, 나의 아들
Oden Senior
운전 강사일을 하는 아버지와 미용사인 어머니, 그리고 아버지의 큰 기대 속에 의대 입학 재시험을 준비하는 고등학생 형 아호와 이 집안의 유일한 문제아 막내까지, 이 영화는 평범한 네 가족에 관한 이야기다. 막내 아들이 사고를 치고 소년원에 가게 되면서 가족들은 뿔뿔이 흩어지게 되는데...
Taxi Driver D
중국정부에 비판적인 영화를 만들다 중국 내 활동이 어려워진 양수 감독은 5년째 홍콩에서 일종의 정치적인 망명 생활을 하고 있다. 홍콩인 남편과 함께 이제 4살된 아들을 두고 강의도 하고 새로운 영화 기획도 하면서 겉으로는 안정된 홍콩 주민으로 살고 있는 것처럼 보인다. 영화가 시작되면 이들 가족은 첩보영화 주인공들처럼 조심스럽게 대만으로 떠난다. 양수 감독이 5년전 중국을 떠난 후 고향에 혼자 남은 엄마가 중국 단체 여행단으로 대만에 도착했기 때문이다. 딸이 떠난 후 엄마는 중국 공안의 주기적인 감찰 방문조사에 시달렸고 그 모든 것을 녹음해 딸에게 건네준다. 이란 소박한 타이틀과 달리 평범한 한 가족의 잠깐의 재회를 위해 중국도 홍콩도 아닌 대만을 택해야 하는 이들 가족의 속사정을 온전히 이해하려면 중국현대사를 다시 되돌아보고 억압에 맞서며 예술가의 자유를 지켜내려는 잉량 감독의 영화 여정에 대한 되새김이 필요해진다. (성지혜/2018년 제23회 부산국제영화제)
Loser Family
County Mayor
일제강점기의 대만을 배경으로, 부와 권력을 가진 한 집안의 타락과 몰락을 그린다. 권력에 줄을 대며 집안을 유지해온 여인과 은밀하고 난잡한 생활을 영위하는 그녀의 딸들. 그리고 일어난 한 살인 사건을 통해 드러나는 그들의 추악한 몰골.
The Losers
A man chooses to leave the city and goes back to his hometown in the countryside. However, he finds that his dream of being a farmer is shattered as the property developers have flocked into this small town in Southern Taiwan. Consequently, the farmland is taken over by holiday homes and villas, which not only look incongruous in the landscape but have destroyed the serenity. A woman who left home lives in one of the villas. She has been trapped in the house both physically and mentally until she meets the man. Their encounter is about to change everything…
Hotel Blackcat
The Hotel Blackcat's owner, Mang, never leaves the counter. Guests include the immigrant worker, whore, losing-job Japanese, sex-abused man, little Lolita.... The police forces the Hotel to shut down and all guests must leave. What should they do? It's not necessary to lock each room anymore. Keep the door open, you'll find out traces imprinted with figures as well as times.
17th Entrance
Fu – Old
Lao Rongmin Zhao Xueping and high school night school student A Hong both visit Taipei and spent a strange day. These two people, from time to time lives intersect, until the sun sets, they finally meet in the corner of the city, stirring up the spark of suspense, and then more than half a century of hidden beautiful love.
Lo's father (segment "Two Juliets")
A triptych reinterpreting Shakespeare's classic character Juliet. The three stories are directed by 3 different directors; Juliet's Choice (By Hou Chi Jan), Two Juliets (By Shen Ko Shang), and Another Juliet (By Chen Yu Hsun) Juliet's Choice : In the 70's, Ju worked in a printing store where a boy with a banned article changes her life. Two Juliets : Mei is told that in the 80's, a woman faked insanity to be locked up just to wait for her lover. Another Juliet : In 2010, "Juliet" tries to commit suicide but a TV commercial crew gets in the way.....
Cannot Live Without You
A down and out man and his daughter live in an illegal hovel. The two live a happy peaceful life until the authorities intervene when the child reaches school age.
Cannot Live Without You
A down and out man and his daughter live in an illegal hovel. The two live a happy peaceful life until the authorities intervene when the child reaches school age.
The Wall
In the early 1950s, even the small villages in Taiwan were bathed in the atmosphere of White Terror. It was a difficult time for all. There was a beautiful young woman called A-zhen. She always felt that there was something weird in her house since she got married to her husband, A-yi, the village glassblower. A-zhen was very curious about the mystery surrounding the wall in her house. So, one day, she decided to investigate the real secret behind the wall.
The Wall
In the early 1950s, even the small villages in Taiwan were bathed in the atmosphere of White Terror. It was a difficult time for all. There was a beautiful young woman called A-zhen. She always felt that there was something weird in her house since she got married to her husband, A-yi, the village glassblower. A-zhen was very curious about the mystery surrounding the wall in her house. So, one day, she decided to investigate the real secret behind the wall.
A Hakka singer who desires to complete her dream, and an aboriginal woman who wants to break free and a Hakka forensic personnel who has the deepest secret in her heart. These three women are standing out for the Hakka people who are facing difficulties in life.. And the story is about the process that they find for themselves. However, the story starts from two suicide cases.
Kongfu Kids
Assistant Director
The Brave Young Generation
A Shaw Brothers production that was filmed in Taiwan