Mark Driver

참여 작품

A Nightmare Wakes
Digital Intermediate Colorist
An adaptation of the novel "Frankenstein," as told through the life of Mary Shelley. As she creates her masterpiece, she gives birth to a monster.
코드 8
Online Editor
근 미래, 인류의 4%뿐인 초능력자 ‘특수 인간’의 능력이 통제 받는 세상. 인간들은 그들을 범죄자로 취급하며 감시와 탄압을 일삼는다. 죽음으로 내모는 인간들의 악랄함에 ‘특수 인간’은 살아남기 위해 목숨을 건 최후의 전쟁을 시작하게 되는데…
24 프레임
Online Editor
압바스 키아로스타미가 남긴 마지막 영화. 키아로스타미가 일생에 걸쳐 심취했던 이미지에 대한 열정을 섬세하게 전해주는 무언의 연작 스케치이다. 새와 소, 늑대, 사슴, 바람, 파도 등 동물과 자연이 주인공이다.
Carpe Diem: A Fishy Tale
Carpe Diem: A Fish Tale looks at an ecologic bombshell, just waiting to explode. Asian Carp are on the door step of the Great Lakes. The only thing holding them back is an electric barrier just south of Chicago. Scientists are working hard to develop new technologies to keep them out. Down south, where all hope is lost, they are going medieval on this slimy foe. Can they be stopped?
The Good Escape
Color Timer
Famous 30s gangster John Dillinger will be dead in 5 minutes. Where does America's Most Wanted decide to go the night he dies? To see Clark Gable in Manhattan Melodrama. An unusual move for the savvy bank robber... unless, of course, that's how he wanted it to go.
Halifax At War: Story of a Bomber
The Handley Page Halifax four-engined heavy bomber was the unsung hero of Bomber Command during the Second World War. It flew over 39,000 sorties over enemy territory, towed gliders, dropped agents, carried cargo, and pioneered electronic warfare. In all 6,178 were built. Today only three remain.