Jānis Reinfelds

참여 작품

스틸 리버
First Assistant Camera
A Greek couple, Anna (Katia Goulioni) and Petros (Andreas Konstantinou), have recently moved to a small industrial town in Siberia. It’s a long process to adapt, especially for Anna, since Petros is quite occupied with his job. That will cause a conflict between them and inevitably the couple is distanced. Everything is escalated as for the past period there is no sexual intercourse between them. This slow-paced decay is intensified when an unexpected event occurs, changing everything between them. Balancing between trust and disbelief the haunting suspense evolves.
Director of Photography
A film about a man who lives a parallel life to Soviet reality, and is both consciously and subconsciously a prickly and partially misunderstood citizen. He is poet Knuts Skujenieks, an exceptional personality not only in Latvia, but also within an international context, whose difficult struggle with the totalitarian regime reflects the true value of selfless work and unbending stance. The story, with its undercurrent of true humanity, allows a glimpse through Knuts Skujenieks’ life onto each of our fates.
The Gardener
Camera Operator
The old gardener works all day in harmony with nature’s rhythms and the wisdom of the ancient Latvians. His happiness and fulfillment is a garden that no longer belongs to him, but he feels like it does due to his large contribution to it. He speaks to the garden, and it responds, giving him shelter and a rich harvest. Autumn arrives and there is much work, more than the gardener can handle. The young homeowners, desiring to make the gardener’s life easier, hire a new gardener. The old gardener’s love of the garden and his unwillingness to share it with anyone else leads him to make an inevitable decision to stay in the garden of his family forever. This is a poetically symbolic story about disappearing time, the land and modern reality.