Vilnis Kalnaellis

Vilnis Kalnaellis

프로필 사진

Vilnis Kalnaellis

참여 작품

Dubnas preteklis
A little daring Mosquito does not know how to make friends. He is often intrusive and stinging. Everything changes when he gets into trouble. He understands his wrongdoings and starts to see good in others.
Crazy Fox And Doctors
The Crazy Fox is taken to a veterinary clinic, and the adventure of endless tests, twists and turns begins! Although the situation becomes extra challenging, when the doctor has to pull out fox’s bad tooth, the final medical diagnosis is – the Fox is healthy, but... crazy.
Crazy Fox
The Crazy Fox, familiar from the children’s books, is now roaming around a maritime village experiencing unusual and impetuous things – she saves a snail, overfeeds on pears, jumps up and down on a trampoline, becomes friends with a mermaid and helps her escape an aquarium.
Lotte and the Lost Dragons
Production Coordinator
In this third film of the series of Lotte films that children know and love, the spirited girl dog Lotte gets a little sister named Roosi. Karl the raccoon and Viktor the fish are scientists who come to Gadgetville. They are taking part in a big folk song collecting competition. Whoever succeeds in recording the folk song of the world’s oldest animal species, the mythical fire-breathing dragon, wins the competition’s grand prize. Lotte and Roosi decide to help the scientists. Exciting and unexpected adventures await the sisters.
Lotte and the Lost Dragons
In this third film of the series of Lotte films that children know and love, the spirited girl dog Lotte gets a little sister named Roosi. Karl the raccoon and Viktor the fish are scientists who come to Gadgetville. They are taking part in a big folk song collecting competition. Whoever succeeds in recording the folk song of the world’s oldest animal species, the mythical fire-breathing dragon, wins the competition’s grand prize. Lotte and Roosi decide to help the scientists. Exciting and unexpected adventures await the sisters.
Miracle Hunters: Zilaiskalns
Documentary charting research at an ancient holy site. Miracle Hunters: Zilaiskalns, is about Zilaiskalns (Blue Hill), an allegedly sacred place and its own local spirit man Anatolijs. The place is associated with the Marta of the Blue Hill, a legendary woman with extraordinary abilities.
Land of Fate
While the two great powers of Europe were fighting during WWII, the strong family of the legendary Prometheus of Latgale, Andrīvs Jurdžs, was brutally shattered. Fleeing from the Communists, a few of the younger generation managed to escape to the West. The older generation remained in Latvia, but Stalin’s repression deported many to Siberia as “enemies of the state”. The family is scattered over the world, and the post-war genera-tion have never met. While in America, Peter accidentally discovers the documentary film “Perpetual Calendar”, and instantly recognizes his Latvian relatives. Brother and sister, Peter and Helena, follow their parents’ footsteps back to Latgale (Eastern Latvia) to learn more of their legendary ancestor and to finally meet relatives. The family’s search leads to Tomsk, Siberia..
Singing Hugo And His Incredible Adventures
When a chicken is kidnapped by two thieves, a lively adventure full of humor and with a surprising twist begin.
The Golden Horse
An ancient Latvian folk tale is the basis for this colorful animated feature in the tradition of Sleeping Beauty and Cinderella. A vengeful sorceress casts a kingdom’s princess into a deep sleep at the top of an icy mountain, where she awaits release from the spell that will destroy the land. Of all the men vying for the honor, the shy outcast son of a family of thugs is the most unlikely. Director Kalnaellis brings a playful sense of humor to the characterizations and adds zippy contemporary elements including a chorus of wisecracking crows. (Gene Siskel Film Center)
안개 속에서
독일과 러시아가 대치한 2차 세계대전이 영화의 배경이고, 지금은 독립한 벨라루스에서 벌어진 사건을 다루고 있다. 철도 노동자인 수셰냐가 게릴라에게 끌려간다. 기차 탈선 사고가 일어나자 그들은 수셰냐를 독일에 협조한 반역자로 몰고 간다. 그러나, 총살 직전에 게릴라가 총에 맞으면서 상황은 변모한다. 는 회상의 스타일을 통해 수세냐를 포함한 주요 인물들에게 어떤 일들이 일어났는지를 보여준다. 그것은 이들을 둘러싼 역사적인 맥락을 제공해 주며, 그 누구의 잘못도 아닌 전쟁의 참상 그 자체라는 것을 이해하도록 만들어 준다. 애국심에 불타는 게릴라들도, 민중들을 괴롭히는 독일병사들도, 모두가 전쟁에서 주어진 역할을 하는 인물들이다. 그 가운데 아무 힘이 없는 노동자 수셰냐가 있다. 흥미로운 것은 이 모든 혼돈 속에서도 끝내 살아남는 자가 수셰냐다. 로즈니차 감독은 삶은 민중과 함께 계속된다고 말한다. (이상용_2012년 제17회 부산국제영화제)
The Perpetual Calendar
Latgale region of Latvia, 30 km from the border with Russia. Despite the Stalinist repressions, taking away property and lifes of innocent people, two families already in the 4-th generation have stayed in their own land and work on it day in and day out, making almost everything they need with their own hands. Making cheese and butter, brewing beer, shearing sheep, weaving ropes from linen, making split baskets – these and other traditional crafts are part of their everyda life. Just as the Latgalian language, which is broadly used in this region, although it is not included in the school programm and can‘t be used as an official language in state and local government institutions.
Lotte and the Moonstone Secret
Production Coordinator
Plucky young Lotte embarks on an adventure with her uncle Klaus to solve the mystery of three stones that a pair of hooded figures are attempting to retrieve.
Lotte and the Moonstone Secret
Plucky young Lotte embarks on an adventure with her uncle Klaus to solve the mystery of three stones that a pair of hooded figures are attempting to retrieve.
Funny Alphabet
We played with words We played all day until Alphabet was made
To Swallow a Toad
Once some "round"intellectuals and also "square"pragmatic realists lived in a town. "Rounds"were smart and successful. The reason of their success-they could swallow toads. But no toads were swallowed by "square". They lived in peace until one day "square" discovered that the "rounds
When Apples Roll
Cat lives in an antique wood cabinet with his devoted friend Mouse. There is an apple orchard on the fringes of the old town. But this autumn, while Cat is picking apples, things turn out differently. All of a sudden a strange egg rolls into the orchard.
Three Suns
From a refugee of the WWII to president – that's the story of Vaira Vike-Freiberga. Losing her motherland and coming back to it. Latvian, refugee, emigrant, wife, mother, professor, scientist, president.
A veterinarian routinely goes on house calls to treat sick animals. He is able to save most, but one time he arrives too late. The animal dies, and that breaks the veterinarian's heart. One night the animals that he has treated come to him in a dream. He receives love and forgiveness. When Veterinarian wakes up, his heart has healed.
Black Box
In Territory, untouched by globalisation, it's only strange individuals who are scurrying around. One of them – Hoggie – a creature of unknown origin. In search of a new brand Flying Hedgehog Ball arrives to the Territory. After various misunderstandings, an image of Hoggie is published on magazine covers all over the world. It's all because of Black Box.
Lotte from Gadgetville
Production Coordinator
Somewhere in Europe by a great sea stands a small village, where inventing all manner of domestic gadgets is held in great esteem. The villagers organize an annual competition of new inventions. One of the best inventors in the village is Oskar, the father of the energetic girl dog Lotte. His primary rival is Adalbert the Hare. Victory in this competition is very important as it would bring honour to the entire family.
Lotte from Gadgetville
Somewhere in Europe by a great sea stands a small village, where inventing all manner of domestic gadgets is held in great esteem. The villagers organize an annual competition of new inventions. One of the best inventors in the village is Oskar, the father of the energetic girl dog Lotte. His primary rival is Adalbert the Hare. Victory in this competition is very important as it would bring honour to the entire family.
Island of Doctor D.
Each spring, for many, many years, a new nurse has been sent to work on the island of Doctor D., but rumours persist that none have ever returned. Julia heads to the island to solve its mystery, but it turns out that she herself is the secret.
She comes at night, quiet as a cat, to take his sleep away until he feeds her. All she needs is milk brought by him somewhere between sleep and reality. Her name is Insomnia.
The Prickly
Once upon a time an old married couple lived in love and happiness, but they did not have any children until one day the old man found a small hedgehog in cabbages. So the fairy-tale about the endless power of love and faith begins, the fairy-tale about the Prickly.
Pasaka par pili
Two travellers are making their way to the Palace in hopes to find meaning of life. Do they know that this road is life-long?
A philosophical study and personal myth of creation of a woman and her two ways to encounter a man. Screened both at Woodstock and KROK, the film captivates viewers with the elusive and not wholly understandable inner world of a woman.
National Hero
A comic fantasy of the most famous characters in the Latvian literature. A story about their adventures throughout the 800 year-long history of Riga city.
Clara & Rubinstein
One day a common man finds himself in a hell of family life. How did he get there? It all started with such a romance – they met in a museum of contemporary art…
Little Devils
Little Devils revolves around two mischievous devils who make their way up from hell to a farmhouse in Latvia. The devils start pulling devilish pranks, such as putting the farmer to bed in the barn, and the bull to bed beside the farmer’s wife. When two thieves enter the scene, chaos ensues as they discover "the farmer" is a monster and "the bull" can talk.
키리쿠와 마녀
Executive Producer
아프리카의 한 마을, 임신한 한 여인의 뱃 속에서 아기가 소리친다. "엄마, 저를 빨리 낳아주세요" 그리고 아기 키리쿠는 스스로 엄마 배에서 나온다. 마을은 카라바라는 마녀의 지배를 받으며 황폐한 삶을 살아간다. 카라바의 마법을 풀면 마을은 다시 평화를 되찾을 거라는 할아버지의 말을 믿고 키리쿠는 마녀와 멋진 한판을 벌이게 된다.