Täällä Pohjantähden alla is based on the book with the same title. It is a story of the little village. The movie starts in the 1890's and it ends to the Finnish civil war in 1918. Story concentrates around a tenant farmer family, although it gives us a good look at the society at whole. While the class struggle depends, people of the village are driven to bloody civil war.
An ex-finnish army officer Kari Kivi returns to Finland after 12 years of absence. He is quickly hired by a businessman named Östermalm to be his stand-in to escape the ring of spies threatening his life. Many beautiful women cross Kivi's path before the spy ring is eventually crushed.
Pastor Samuel Bro has lost his faith in God. He is in conflict with the Church Council and is rejected from his priesthood. He moves away to a different life.
Set in early 16th century Finland, a knight Olavi Gideoninpoika meets Mirjam Raakelintytär and falls in love. Mirjami hides in a monastery disguised as a choir boy, but is revealed by a monk Rasmus, who also desires her, and is put on trial.
Esko is going to a neighboring village to marry Kreeta after her father arranged the marriage with Esko's father. Esko takes Mikko as his travel companion and that's where Esko's ordeals begin.
핀란드에서 가장 흥행에 성공한 영화중 하나. 핀란드 군과 소련군의 전투 영화로 제목의 의미는 무명용사이다. 19955년판에 이어 1985년, 2018년에 컬러로 여러 차례 제작이 되었다. 원작자인 배이뇌 린나는 핀란드가 자랑하는 베스트 셀러 작가이며 2차 대전중에 징집되어 겨울 전쟁 등에 투입되어 동부 전선에서 혹독한 전쟁의 경험을 치루었고 훗날 이 경험이 그의 전쟁 영화 집필에 많은 도움이 되었다. 영화의 내용은 핀란드 병사들의 소련을 상대로 한 가히 끊임없이 전개되는 처절하고도 치열한 전투 이야기이다. 1941년 핀란드 동부에 주둔중인 한 중화기 중대에 갑자기 최전선으로 이동 명령이 내려진다. 그리고 그들은 이제 지난 겨울 전쟁에서 잃었던 영토를 되찾기 위해 소련군은 선제 공격을 감행한다.
Baron Metter is threatening to evict a crofter family from their home. Lauri Vaara a student passing by, falls in love with Marja the family's daughter, and promises to help save their home. Baroness Olivia Metter falls for the young student and helps him with the rescue plan.