Liang-Tso Liu

Liang-Tso Liu

출생 : 1967-11-18, Taipei, Taiwan

프로필 사진

Liang-Tso Liu

참여 작품

The Time of Huan Nan
Taipei City in 2022 is a dynamic, exciting and vibrant city! “Huannan” is a traditional market that sits on the triangle formed by the Tamsui River and Xindian River. It has served as the major food and beverage market for the entire capital city for over 55 years. Our tale is set in 1991.As with the unique market, secret ingredients are thrown into the story of the Huannan Gang. At that time, everyone knew that the gang was of three boys and one girl, but no one knew that the youngest member was from 2022...
Building Manager
싱글 워킹맘 핀웬은 사춘기의 딸 샤오징과 함께 사는 능력 있는 커리어 우먼이다. 회사 사정의 악화로 월급이 삭감되었다는 통보를 받은 날 핀웬은 회의 도중 샤오징으로부터 전화를 받는다. 반 친구가 코로나 확진이 되면서 샤오징도 자가격리를 해야 하는 상황이 되자, 핀웬은 회사의 권유로 샤오징과 집에 머물게된다. 원래 사이 좋은 모녀는 아니었지만, 그날 이후 샤오징의 적대감이 지나치게 심해지고 이상행동이 계속된다. 결국 핀웬은 전 남편 치웬에게 도움을 청한다. (제26회 부산국제영화제)
A Leg
General Affairs Director Pan
“Leg” follows the journey of a wife who battles to keep her husband’s body intact after he dies of a leg amputation.
침묵의 숲
School Teacher
청각 장애가 있는 소년 창쳉은 특수 학교로 전학간다. 창쳉은 자신과 비슷한 처지의 아이들과 함께 생활하게 될 것에 기대를 갖는다. 하지만 통학 버스 뒷자리에서 벌어진 끔찍한 사건을 보면서 큰 충격을 받는다. (제22회 전주 영화제)
Radio! Ready Oh!
On a serendipitous New Year's Eve, a young interviewee lands a position at a company by mistake and encounters a series of quirky. events. The only person who can save this miserable situation is locked in the storage room. While a radio station is facing bankruptcy, an evil cult is out for revenge, and a gathering of crazy DJs, a new battle is about to begin. It is believed that all problems would be resolved before the clock strikes 12, but with this New Year, here come new problems.
Mother's Remote
Chi Kuo-Feng
After discovering that her son faked his report cards, a single mother uses a device to grant her utter control over his life -- but at a great cost.
Keeping Watch
The sudden arrival of Han provides a diversion from Ching's monotonous life as the proprietor of the family clock shop. She quickly falls in love with the young man who claims to be her high school classmate, but her bliss proves short-lived as he disappears just as abruptly. Worried, Ching calls Han's parents, only to be told that he died many years ago.
Woman Soup
Faye, Jade, Yen, and Lotus are four women in their thirties who live in Taipei, where the new and old Chinese cultures clash. They are well-educated and have successful careers. But each feels like a failure, because none of them has a good marriage or a happy family life. To fend off their loneliness, they often go to the hot springs together. In the steamy soothing water, they comfort each other in their pain and sorrow. By supporting and loving each other, they find that their friendships become the most stable aspect in their lives.
하나 그리고 둘
8살 소년 양양은 아빠 NJ로부터 카메라를 선물 받는다. 사람들이 보지 못하는 그들의 뒷모습을 찍는 양양. 양양의 사진 속에는 사업이 위기에 빠진 시기에 30년 전 첫사랑을 다시 만나게 된 아빠 NJ, 외할머니가 사고로 쓰러진 뒤 슬픔에 빠져 집을 떠나있게 된 엄마 민민, 외할머니의 사고가 자신 때문이라고 생각하는 누나 팅팅 그리고 저마다의 삶을 살아가는 사람들이 있다.
The Love of Three Oranges
Taipei, 1990s. Pizza boy JJ bumps one day into his ex-girlfriend Pony who is now pursuing a lesbian relationship with Mimi. On his first visit to the girl JJ gives in to Pony's seduction and makes love to her in the presence of Mimi who is seemingly asleep... Pony is now enjoying the secret excitement of her affair with JJ while Mimi tries hard to put up with it. But as days go by, JJ finds himself more and more obsessed with Mimi. At this stage none of the three is sure of what they want from love...
고령가 소년 살인 사건
14살 소년 샤오쓰는 국어 성적이 나쁘다는 이유로 중학교 주간부에서 야간부로 반을 옮기게 되고 ‘소공원’파와 어울려 다닌다. 그러던 중 샤오쓰는 양호실에서 밍이라는 이름의 소녀를 만나게 된다. 소녀는 ‘소공원’파의 보스 허니의 여자로 허니는 샤오밍을 차지하기 위해 경쟁조직인 ‘217’파의 보스를 죽이고 은둔 중이다. 보스의 부재로 통제력을 상실한 ‘소공원’파는 보스 자리를 두고 혼란에 빠지고 돌연 허니가 돌아오게 되면서 ‘소공원’파 내부와 ‘217’파간의 대립이 격해진다. 그리고 밍을 사랑하게 된 샤오쓰도 이들의 싸움에 휘말리게 되는데...
Coin Boy
A boy brings many 10 dollar coins given by his father to pay the fee of his school camp campaign, but his teacher asks him to exchange all his coins into cashes, or he cannot attend the camp. This is a short film based on a child's aspect.