Production Sound Mixer
19세기 중엽 뉴질랜드. 마오리족과 그 마오리 족을 지배하려는 영국 정착민들 간에 전쟁이 벌어진다. 아일랜드 여성인 사라는 이 두 집단의 사이에서 어느 쪽에 속해야 하는지 갈등하게 된다. 그녀의 아들이 마오리족인 할아버지에 의해 잡혀가게 되고 그녀는 아이의 생사여부가 확인되지 않는 상황에서 아이를 찾기 위해 7년간을 헤맨다.
Animation Director
PJ is an orphan with no last name and she has a special wish, she wants someone to love. One night while out riding her grey horse Blaze, PJ gets her wish. The "Wishing Star" shines its magic light on her and her horse and PJ is transported to the gray world of Twinkle Town. There she meets three new friends, Glimmer, Glowee, and Sparks, three lonely children who live there and have been wishing for someone to love them. The Wishing Star has turned Blaze into a beautiful white talking horse and given PJ a crown that talks! Her clothing has changed into a brilliant, sparkling dress, which gives her a last name, she is now PJ Sparkles! She's been given a magic power, the magic of LOVE!
Boom Operator
Nathaniel Williamsen is taken to an island mission with his fiancee Sophie. Their ship, the Rona, is captained by the roguish Bully Hayes, who also takes a liking to Sophie. When Sophie is kidnapped by slave trader Ben Pease "Nate" teams with Hayes in order to find her.
Expat Kiwi Rewi Alley became one of the best known foreigners in 20th Century China and advocate for the Communist Revolution. When China was under siege from Japan in the late 1930s, Alley instigated an industrial co-op movement he termed ‘gung ho' (work together). Its success led to the phrase entering the global idiom. For this documentary a Geoff Steven-led crew travelled 15,000km in China in 1979, filming Alley as he gave his account of an engrossing, complex life story. Co-writer Geoff Chapple later wrote a biography of Alley.