Simon Graf

참여 작품

Wer sind wir?
Sound Mixer
먼지의 세계
Camera Operator
인류는 삽으로, 굴착기로, 또는 다이너마이트로 매년 수십 억 톤의 흙을 옮긴다. 니콜라우스 가이어할터 감독은 지구를 소유하려는 인류의 끊임없는 노력이 진행되고 있는 광산, 채석장, 대규모 공사장에 있는 사람들을 관찰한다.
먼지의 세계
인류는 삽으로, 굴착기로, 또는 다이너마이트로 매년 수십 억 톤의 흙을 옮긴다. 니콜라우스 가이어할터 감독은 지구를 소유하려는 인류의 끊임없는 노력이 진행되고 있는 광산, 채석장, 대규모 공사장에 있는 사람들을 관찰한다.
The Border Fence
Color Grading
Brenner Pass, Alpine border, spring 2016: the Austrian government announces the construction of a border fence, expecting a shift of the refugee routes to Italy after the Balkan route is closed. The residents fear the fence just as much as the supposedly threatening influx of foreigners to their homeland. Two years later, the fence is still rolled up in a container, as the inrush of refugees never occurred.
Die Zukunft ist besser als ihr Ruf
Color Grading
A film about people who make a difference. They are committed to a lively political culture, to sustainable solutions in food and construction, to clarity in thinking about the economy, and to social justice.
Die Zukunft ist besser als ihr Ruf
Camera Production Assistant
A film about people who make a difference. They are committed to a lively political culture, to sustainable solutions in food and construction, to clarity in thinking about the economy, and to social justice.
Die Zukunft ist besser als ihr Ruf
A film about people who make a difference. They are committed to a lively political culture, to sustainable solutions in food and construction, to clarity in thinking about the economy, and to social justice.
In the Woods
Sound Recordist
Snow, sweat, testosterone and the sound of chainsaws. Every four years, over a period of three months in winter, wood is being cut in a steep mountain, high above Lake Ägeri, and prepared for log rafting. Neither economic change nor technology has been able to replace this traditional and sustainable craft in Switzerland.
Gyrischachen - von Sünden, Sofas und Cervelats
Sound Mixer
A high-rise apartment built in the 1960s provides housing for 2500 people from 42 nations. Separated from the city by a river and bounded by towering sandstone cliffs, everyone attempts to live and survive in their own way. Foreigners who have a go at being Swiss, and Swiss who observe with scepticism. They meet in the corner shop run by an Iraqi living in exile, send their kids to a children’s club managed by a missionary, and old drinking mates meet regularly over a beer in the neighbourhood’s only bar. Despite all the differences, they are rather proud of the fact that they come from here.
Remo Largo - Ein Leben für unsere Kinder
Sedel - Rock'n'Roll Kingdom
Sound Designer