Apsychologist and a war veteran fall in love, while involved in exposing child trafficking.
Successful Hollywood agent Bryce Dixon is returning to Alabama for the first time in 15 years for his high school reunion. When he learns he's the only one of his friends who isn't married with children, he convinces his client, starlet Madison Belle, to pretend to be his girlfriend. But he soon learns that success has different meanings, and romance may be closer than he thinks.
Polly Duggin, a young wife and mother, who abruptly loses her husband and young daughter by weird and unusual circumstances and is forced to begin a quest to discover the true cause of the tragedy. The plot twists and turns as Polly confronts strange visions and disembodied voices.
Principal Harridan
16살 여고생 타티아나(오데야 러쉬)는 안톤(마이클 케인)이라는 작은 섬나라 독재자와 편지를 주고받는 펜팔 친구다. 그런데 안톤이 국민의 저항으로 권좌에서 물러나 미국으로 달아났을 때 예기치 않게 타티아나의 집 차고에 머무는 난민 신세가 된다. 싱글맘 달렌(케이티 홈즈)과 함께 사는 타티아나는 안톤에게서 각종 노하우를 전수 받아 학교에서 자신을 괴롭히는 아이들에 대한 반란을 꾀한다.