In an Iran weighed down by a struggling economy, two middle-aged brothers live with their bullying father. A man prone to rages and driven by chauvinism, the father’s abusiveness found his second wife leaving him. Now he picks on his eldest son, while the younger sibling fantasises about ways to kill his father. When the man rents out the flat above to a young woman, with intentions of marrying her, the woman’s attraction to the older son slowly pushes this profoundly damaged family to breaking point.
In an Iran weighed down by a struggling economy, two middle-aged brothers live with their bullying father. A man prone to rages and driven by chauvinism, the father’s abusiveness found his second wife leaving him. Now he picks on his eldest son, while the younger sibling fantasises about ways to kill his father. When the man rents out the flat above to a young woman, with intentions of marrying her, the woman’s attraction to the older son slowly pushes this profoundly damaged family to breaking point.
평범한 40대 가장 사이드는 독실한 신앙심을 가지고 있다. 어느 날 그의 부인이 택시기사에게서 매춘부로 오인받아 성추행을 당한 일이 생기자, 그는 분노에 사로잡혀 복수를 결심한다. 복수할 대상을 물색하면서 다양한 사람들과 다툼이 생기는데 시간이 흐를수록 상황은 안 좋아진다. 결국 길거리에서 매춘을 하는 여자들을 제거해서 사회의 악을 뿌리 뽑겠다는 생각에까지 미치게 되는데... 사실 그에 의해 희생되는 여성들은 단지 가정을 책임질 생활고에 시달리는 사회의 약자일 뿐이다.
Latian is a barrier. A barrier to human relations. The rivers of relations stand behind a barrier and it is a dead end. Someone wants to break this barrier, but he knows that breaking the barrier is not so simple. The city will be ruined. What is the task?
Shahab who is about to get marry with his fiance is in desperate need for money. For bringing money he with the help of his friend participates in a bargain but loses all his money. Under all the pressures from his family and his fiance Shahab is force to go to the beyond.