Joe Corzo

Joe Corzo

프로필 사진

Joe Corzo

참여 작품

Abduction Runs in the Family
Officer Katinski
Alyssa Manning was abducted as a small child and spent seven years living with her kidnapper before she was returned safely to her parents.
Abduction Runs in the Family
Officer Katinski
Alyssa is a successful author who was kidnapped as a child before making a safe return seven years later. When her young daughter gets abducted from a local park, Alyssa must rely on her former captor -- just released from prison -- to help save her
A young woman is held captive in an underground medical facility where selected individuals are perpetually mutilated and then healed using an experimental miracle drug: a panacea.
Burning Lies
A woman falls for a handsome firefighter after he rescues her from a suspicious car crash. But her life spins into tragedy after his seemingly overprotective behavior burns through her life.
업계에서 유능한 킬러로 알려진 로나, 어느 날 로나의 아들 미카가 블라딕에게 납치된다. 블라딕은 미카를 인질로 삼고 로나에게 5개의 임무를 완수하라고 협박한다. 임무는 5개의 봉투에 든 대상을 제거하고, 그들이 가지고 있는 돈과 장부 그리고 무기 등을 회수해서 가지고 오는 것이다. 로나는 사랑하는 아들 미카를 구하기 위해 암흑세계의 보스들을 홀로 제거하기 위해 차를 타고 출발하는데...
The Hunter and the Hunted
Man in Car
An annual hunting trip for four longtime friends turns into a backwoods nightmare when they run into a group of devout locals deep inside the Pacific Northwest. As tension mounts between the two groups, the men become caught in a vicious game of cat and mouse while struggling to deal with their own personal demons and growing distrust among each other in this pulse-pounding action thriller.