Sound Effects
The life of a rootless insurance agent starts falling apart.
Sound Effects
Misery money-lender Arpagone is looking to arrange three weddings simultaneously - to cut down on costs. One for himself and the others for his two children. Of course he doesn't approve of the choices his son and daughter have made and conspires to arrange more well to do spouses against their will. However, fate will prove itself to be on the side of true love, not of the greedy.
Foley Artist
Mario (Placido), an Italian American who manages a pizzeria in NYC, is charged with an assassination of a judge in Palermo. He leaves the States, comes back to Sicily and recruit Michele, his younger brother, for some help. Michele is a good guy not involved with the Mafia, that is trying to build his life on honesty and hard-working. Michele needs some money to give freedom to a prostitute he is in love, and Mario promise his help in change of an hands to set up his trap for the judge. Anyway Michele isn't made with the same "pasta" of Mario, he couldn't never be a real Mafioso and this causes many between the two brother and the Mafia. There is only a way for Mario to save his brother. A way that Mafia could like.
Sound Effects
Tom Berenger stars in this Italian film featuring legendary Italian star Marcello Mastroianni. Berenger is Matthew, an American engineer who falls in love with Nina (Eleanora Giorgi), a woman who holds many disturbing secrets.
Foley Artist
Piero arrives in Paris from Luino after having won a pool tournament with friends. In the train he meets the famous place Ramazzini and has so many incidents that culminated with his arrest and the confiscation by the commissioner Juvet. Released, find randomly hospitality at the madame Lenormand and know the great painter Valentine. Both women are tied up, as a wife and lover, Maurice, in prison for robbery. A day Piero wears a mistake and the coat of astrakhan, Maurice, and then...
Foley Artist
Playwright irreparable failure is betrayed by a concubine with the lawyer that finances the charade. But one day arrives at his house Honey, Eastern African domestic workers to first service, to boot, is a billionaire and of royal blood.
Foley Artist
During the year 1673, Rome was besieged by poverty and violence. The rich Mr. Argante has two servants to look after him, while his wife is only waiting to see him dead to inherit.
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A large international cast takes part in this comedy in which the stories of numerous individuals whose cars are stalled in a massive Roman traffic jam are told.
1차 대전이 일어나기 전인 1901년, 이탈리아의 작은 마을에서는 두 아이가 태어난다. 같은 날에 태어난 지주의 아들 알프레도와 소작농의 아들 올모는 서로 너무 다른 환경에 속하지만, 라이벌이자 가장 친한 친구로 함께 자란다. 하지만 알프레도의 아버지가 가업을 이어받으면서 지주와 소작농들 사이의 갈등은 심화되고, 알프레도와 올모도 점점 서로 대립하기 시작한다.
알프레도와 올모의 얽히고설킨 삶을 통해 이탈리아 현대사를 꿰뚫고 있는 베르나르도 베르톨루치의 대작으로, 사랑과 질투, 계급 갈등과 역사적 고난이 웅장한 화면에 펼쳐지는 감동적인 서사극이다. 러닝 타임이 5시간이 넘어 미국 개봉 당시 축약본으로 상영되는 수모를 겪기도 했다.
Sound Effects
Three rogues set out to rob $300,000 from an Indian-hating cavalry major.
Sound Effects Designer
Deathly ill Count Dracula and his slimy underling, Anton, travel to Italy in search of a virgin's blood. They're welcomed at the crumbling estate of indebted Marchese Di Fiore, who's desperate to marry off his daughters to rich suitors. But there, instead of pure women, the count encounters incestuous lesbians with vile blood and Marxist manservant Mario, who's suspicious of the aristocratic Dracula.
Sound Effects
Deathly ill Count Dracula and his slimy underling, Anton, travel to Italy in search of a virgin's blood. They're welcomed at the crumbling estate of indebted Marchese Di Fiore, who's desperate to marry off his daughters to rich suitors. But there, instead of pure women, the count encounters incestuous lesbians with vile blood and Marxist manservant Mario, who's suspicious of the aristocratic Dracula.
Foley Artist
An experienced truck-driver is forced to become assistant to a young Sicilian driver. The Beast, the truck they drive around Europe, becomes their ground for mutual respect and trust.
Foley Artist
An Italian immigrant tries to make a new life in Switzerland, taking on a series of increasingly menial jobs in order to do it. He attempts to fit into his new home and society but fails at every turn. Unable to go home again, will his tenacity and optimism be enough to live on?
Special Sound Effects
Anijeska, the Rassimov's heir, moves with her husband, Dr. Alex Nijinski, to her father's mansion. In the basement, the doctor discovers the laboratory in which the late Rassimov carried out horrifying experiments.
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Anijeska, the Rassimov's heir, moves with her husband, Dr. Alex Nijinski, to her father's mansion. In the basement, the doctor discovers the laboratory in which the late Rassimov carried out horrifying experiments.
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When a don who they were suppose to protect ends up dead, his bodyguard and bodyguard's friend must go under cover to escape the wrath of mob.
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1957년의 비엔나. 비엔나에 모여 사는 나치 친위대 출신 장교들은 자신들의 죄상이 탄로나지 않도록 하기위해 나치 전범 기록문서나 증인을 찾아내 증거 인멸 작전을 펴고 있다. 유태인 수용소 의무관 출신으로 죄의식 때문에 햇빛을 볼 수 없어 야간 근무만 하는 맥스는 어느날 호텔에 투숙한 여자 손님을 보고 깜짝 놀란다. 그녀는 바로 수용소에서 자신이 그토록 사랑하고 보호했던 루치아였다. 지휘자인 남편의 연주여행에 따라온 루치아도 역시 맥스를 보자 심장이 멎는듯하다. 지옥과 같았던 수용소에서 자기를 보호하고 사랑해준 맥스는 곧 그녀에겐 구세주였다. 남편을 먼저 떠나보내고 뒤에 남은 루치아는 맥스의 아파트로 가서 수십년만에 감격의 재회를 하다. 수용소의 여자 증인인 하나가 비엔나에 나타났다는 소문은 이미 퍼지고 있었다. 루치아를 알아본 증인은 수용소에서 주방일을 하던 마리오. 맥스는 친위대 그룹이 루치아의 존재를 알게 되면 당장에 해칠것 같아 마리오를 낚시터로 데리고 가서 물에 빠뜨려 죽게 한다. 과거의 친위대원들은 맥스에게 증인을 내놓으라고 위협을 한다. 그러나 맥스는 젊은 시절에 자신이 천사처럼 아꼈던 루치아를 목숨을 걸고 지키려 한다. 맥스는 호텔도 그만두고 루치아와 함께 아파트에 숨어산다. 하지만 친위대원들의 공작으로 먹을것은 물론 전기와 수도도 모두 끊겨버린다. 결국 은둔 생활에 한계를 느낀 맥스는 나치 장교복으로 갈아입고 루치아에게는 유태인 신부옷을 입혀 합께 다뉴브강 다리로 간다. 차에서 내려 다리를 건너던 이들에게 몇발의 총성이 울리고 두 사람은 동시에 쓰러지고 만다.
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Within the decadent walls of the Frankenstein mansion, the Baron and his depraved assistant Otto have discovered the means of creating new life. As the Baron's laboratory begins to fill up with stitched body parts, the Baroness dallies with the randy new manservant and soon the decadent, permissive household is consumed by an outrageous, bizarre, and hilarious orgy of death and dismemberment.
Sound Effects Designer
Within the decadent walls of the Frankenstein mansion, the Baron and his depraved assistant Otto have discovered the means of creating new life. As the Baron's laboratory begins to fill up with stitched body parts, the Baroness dallies with the randy new manservant and soon the decadent, permissive household is consumed by an outrageous, bizarre, and hilarious orgy of death and dismemberment.
Sound Effects Editor
Forced to support herself, her children, her physically incapacitated husband and her obtrusive brother and mother, a downtrodden working woman contracts tuberculosis. She is granted a brief vacation at a health spa, where a whole new world — and potential new life — is opened up to her.
Sound Effects
프랭크가 보낸 세명의 총잡이가 기차역에서 누군가를 기다린다. 드디어 그들이 기다리던 한 남자가 하모니카를 불며 기차역에 도착하고, 그들 세 총잡이는 모두 이름 없는 그 남자의 총에 쓰러진다. 한편, 프랭크와 그 부하들은 아일랜드 출신인 맥베인 일가를 잔인하게 살해하는데, 뉴올리언즈에서 이제 막 도착한 맥베인의 새 아내 질로서는 황망할 수밖에 없다. 두 사람은 한달 전 이미 결혼을 한 상태였다. 다시 뉴올리언즈로 돌아가려던 질은 마음을 고쳐먹고 맥베인과 아이들의 시체만 있는 그 집에서 혼자 생활을 시작한다.