Ale Porkka

출생 : 1892-07-15, Viipuri, Finland

사망 : 1969-09-29

참여 작품

The Women of Niskavuori
Master of Marttila
Remake of the 1938 film also by Vaala is a story of the conflict between the old and new orders of living.
The Young Miller
Heikki Haverinen
A young man arrives in the village. He becomes a miller and delights the girls in the village, which evokes bitterness in others. He is subject to moralistic criticism, even though he is in fact only in love with the tailor's daughter.
Hallin Janne
In the late 19th century at Längelmäki two men kill a mailman and rob all the money he carried. Based on actual events.
Jossain on railo
Orpopojan valssi
Maaret – tunturien tyttö
Old man (uncredited)
The life story of Aleksis Kivi, author of the first Finnish novel in Finnish language and (posthumously) its most successful writer.
Kolmastoista koputus
Two Finnish naval captains face spies in Gothenburg harbor during the second world war.