Ender Ercan

참여 작품

The Hoop
Director of Photography
When his father, who went to Russia for work, could not send money home for a long time, Ahmet starts to work out the school at a mini-market in the luxury site, near the shanty neighbourhood here they live. Falling in love with his classmate Kezban, Ahmet decides to learn how to play basketball when he finds her interest in Erhan, who came to school one day with basketball quipments and clothes. However, there is an important problem to solve; there is no basketball spot in their neighbourhood where they can play basketball. Ahmet tries to find a way to overcome this barrier.
치안부대를 침략하며 터키 경찰과의 전쟁을 선포한 반란군 테러범, 최정예 특공대들은 죽음도 불사한 채 반란군과 맞선다. 계속해서 늘어나는 사상자로 심각한 상황은 지속되고, 최정예 특공대들은 나라와 국민을 구하기 위한 마지막 작전을 수행하는데…