Krassimira Kuzmanova

참여 작품

While Aya Was Sleeping
The seven year old Aya spends a lot of time in the theater because her farther, Asen, is an actor. One night Aya falls asleep in the control room. After the end of the show, intrigue, betrayal and tension in the theater group gradually escalate. Asen's illusions collapse, when he finds out that the television star, Boyan, will replace him in an upcoming premiere. Aya's father provokes a scandal, which turns into a drunken brawl. Will Asen succeed to rediscover himself with the unreserved support of his wife and the selfless love of his daughter?
유럽으로 넘어오는 불법 체류자들을 운송하는 일을 하는 청년 라자르는 누나의 부탁으로 실직한 매형 토니를 자신이 일하는 조직에 소개시켜 준다. 그러던 어느 날 라자르는 타일 상점에서 일하는 카테리나와 사랑에 빠지게 되고, 이제 불법적인 일에서 손 떼고 그녀와 함께 새 출발을 하고자 하는 마음을 갖는다. 그러던 중, 국경을 넘던 중동인 한 명이 물에 빠져 사망하는 사고가 발생한다. 라자르는 죄책감을 느끼며 작업에서 손을 떼려고 하고, 카테리나와도 이별한다. 한편, 라자르가 변심해서 돈을 못 벌게 됐다고 생각한 토니는 라자르를 처리하려고 하는데…
A boy starts an affair with his famous dad's young new wife - an instinctive way of victory of a confused soul over his parent's inadequacy. Ever haunting dreams about his real mother start overwhelming the boy more and more often. Unsuspecting a thing, the father keeps trying to carry out his own views on beauty upon their joint living. In vain - faith intends differently.
Joy & Sorrow of the Body
바타넨의 토끼
A reporter who's soon to receive the Journalist of the Year Award hits a young hare on his way home. He gets out of the car to see if it's ok, but the hare runs off deeper into the forest, taking him on adventure of self-discovery.