황실 발레단에 입단한 마틸다는 자신에게 첫눈에 반한 황태자, 니콜라이 2세와 사랑에 빠진다. 그러나 금빛 궁전에서 은밀하게 나누던 두 사람의 사랑은 극심한 반대에 부딪힌다. 갑자기 닥친 사고로 왕위 계승 문제가 대두되고, 황실에서는 대관식을 서두르며 약혼자인 알릭스와의 결혼을 종용하는 가운데, 마틸다를 위협하는 사고들이 연이어 벌어지는데…
Aleksey Temnikov is a renowned ballet dancer and an acknowledged genius whose career was abruptly cut short after sustaining an injury in the 1990s. Twenty years later, Aleksey discovers that his condition is degenerative and that he will soon lose the ability to walk. Aleksey sets out to choreograph a ballet he envisaged long before but never staged for fear of failure. “What will I leave behind after I am gone?” is a question Aleksey feels he must contend with. However, returning to the world of ballet will not be easy for a man who has made so many enemies over the course of his life.
Katia and Gala, the students of Chelyabinsk Institute of Culture, are going to an international festival to present their choreographic performance. The girls are quite sure that their contemporary performance will win over the sophisticated audience, so fame, a tour and the world of top art are just around the corner... There's only one little thing left to do, win the Grand-Prix of the festival!