Artyom, a young adventurer, meets Felix - the once legendary art thief, who was called "Number One". The "Old School" and the newcomer decide to crank up the scam of the century - to steal one of the most expensive paintings of our time - "N 1" by Mark Rothko from the gallery owned by the ex-wife of Felix and her new husband. By chance, Artem meets Marina and falls in love with her. And she turns out to be an investigator and really wants to catch Felix red-handed.
Kostya and his friends are young and love playing street football. Kostya dreams of playing professionally, but cannot bring himself to approach the coach. His girlfriend, Nastya, shares his dream, but street football is Kostya’s life, and the outdoor pitch is akin to a second home, a place for friends to meet and play.
Misha is a quiet, dreamy boy. His dearest wish is to one day meet a real elk. He is always out and about in the countryside with his father where such magnificent animals seem within his grasp. And yet, years go by without Misha’s dream ever once having been fulfilled. A chubby dance teacher unsuccessfully tries to cheer up Misha, who has long since given up hope. But then, all of a sudden, an unexpected encounter occurs. But whether this is a stroke of good or bad luck will be food for thought for a long time to come. Reflecting the boy’s quirky fantasy world in a mixture of playful and surreal motifs, and making use of images which are as melancholic as they are endearing, the film conjures up the power of the imagination, loneliness and the passing of time.
A single mom traveling in Paris with her son becomes entangled in a strange and dangerous side of the romantic city when she helps out a mysterious man lying wounded in her hotel room.
Europe, 1709. Russia and Sweden are at war. Two French duelists are exiled by King Louis XIV of France: one to the side of Czar Peter the Great of Russia, the other to the side of King Charles XII of Sweden. Although separated by war and allegiance, fate has not finished with them.