Sebastian Bock

참여 작품

사라와 살림에 관한 보고서
Director of Photography
사라는 이스라엘의 여성이고, 살림은 팔레스타인 남성이다. 이들은 단순한 불륜을 넘어서 극한의 절망으로 치닫게 되는데, 정치와 멜로가 만나 어떤 파국의 드라마가 펼쳐질 수 있는지 치정의 레포트는 극명한 현실을 보여준다.
All Small Bodies
Director of Photography
'All Small Bodies' is a feminist, sci-fi take on the Grimm tale of Hansel and Gretel. It occurs in the distant future among the ruins of a planetary catastrophe, revealing the abuses of history and technology. In the wake of the chaotic aftermath, there are several resilient survivors including two young girls named Z and Bub. The film follows these curious adolescents who have long been lost and alone in the haunted, other-worldly woods, as they awaken their extrasensory abilities and reclaim their autonomy from a menacing dark presence.