정비공 출신이지만 장교로 진급한 마레샬 중위와 직업 장교인 볼디외 대위가 탄 비행기가 독일군 라펜슈타인 사령관에 의해 격추당한다. 볼디외와 같은 귀족계급인 라펜슈타인은 마레샬과 볼디외를 수용소에 보내기 전, 정중하게 식사에 초대한다. 수용소에 입소한 두 프랑스 군인들은 배우, 교수, 토지 측량기사 등 다양한 출신의 수감자들과 곧 친해진다. 특히 부유한 은행가의 아들인 로젠탈 덕분에 이들은 그에게 배달되어온 물품과 음식들로 초라하지 않은 수용소 생활을 영위한다.
A short by Marcel L'Herbier with music played by Claude Debussy with children's themed visuals.
Max Ophuls directs this short film of Chopin's Valse Brillante.
Max Ophuls directs this short film of Chopin's Valse Brillante.
“La Fontaine d'Aréthuse” opens with what has been described as a “shimmering wash of sound in the piano, octave leaps in the left hand passing above and below repeated chords in the right,” a tune which apparently suggests the splashing waters of a fountain. The story “told” by the music involves a naked water goddess on the river shore, who is pursued by a hunter, before disappearing into thin air to join her water once again. (IMDb)
“La Fontaine d'Aréthuse” opens with what has been described as a “shimmering wash of sound in the piano, octave leaps in the left hand passing above and below repeated chords in the right,” a tune which apparently suggests the splashing waters of a fountain. The story “told” by the music involves a naked water goddess on the river shore, who is pursued by a hunter, before disappearing into thin air to join her water once again. (IMDb)