'Barely Breathing' is a dark comedy about Sai, who is guilted into moving in with his father and stepmother after an embarrassing autoerotic asphyxiation (AEA) accident. In order to get his dad off his back, Sai begins "hanging" with an AEA support group filled with lovable misfits - but humor can only hide so much. As Sai begins to get comfortable, the distance between him and his father grows deeper, forcing the family to cope with the loss of Sai's mother ten years prior.
Follows Eden, who goes to a coveted 'Heaven and Hell' party, hoping to get a letter of recommendation to an elite university from the wealthy parents of her classmate, but the party quickly turns into a fight for her life.
When romance novelist Kate Smith suddenly gets writer's block as she's beginning the final installment of her international bestselling steamy Bed 'n Breakfast series, she'll do pretty much anything to get her groove back. Like sneak into a Tire Depot waiting room because her words flow there just like complimentary coffee-smooth, sweet, and scorchingly hot. She manages to fly under the radar until the rugged and charming mechanic, Miles Hudson, notices the quirky redhead slinking in and out of the employees only entrance. But she's way too intriguing to blow the whistle on. Doing a test-drive of her new book idea sounds like a much better option.
Extras Casting
Good-hearted teenager William always lived in hope of following in his late father’s footsteps and becoming a storm chaser. His father’s legacy has now been turned into a storm-chasing tourist business, managed by the greedy and reckless Zane Rogers, who is now using William as the main attraction to lead a group of unsuspecting adventurers deep into the eye of the most dangerous supercell ever seen.
Female Hiker
During an annual cabin retreat, a dying man must confront past mistakes after learning he may not know his friends as well as he may think.
During an annual cabin retreat, a dying man must confront past mistakes after learning he may not know his friends as well as he may think.
A widower explores his attraction to a younger man as he struggles to cope with the recent loss of his husband.
A look at the lives and trauma surrounding three people living in a southern town.
Extras Casting
보수적인 카톨릭 학교에 다니는 호기심 많은 ‘앨리스’ 우연히 초대된 채팅방에서 그동안 경험하지 못했던 짜릿한 쾌감을 느낀다. 학교에서 배운 금욕적인 생활과는 다른 행동에 ‘앨리스’는 죄를 짓고 있다고 자책하면서도 쉽게 유혹을 뿌리치지 못한다. 속죄하기 위해 참석한 여름 성경학교. 그곳에서 ‘앨리스’는 믿을 수 없는 광경을 목격한다.
A social media influencer finds himself with no choice but to listen to the whims of his mobile device, or suffer the consequences.
어느 날 갑자기 등장해 전 세계를 뒤흔든 의문의 바이러스. 국가 비상사태가 선포된 후 주변의 위협과 커져가는 불안감 속 ‘에바’와 연인 ‘윌’은 기약없이 숨막히는 하루하루를 보내는데… 사상 초유의 바이러스, 살아남기 위한 끝없는 싸움이 시작된다!
악마의 공간이라 불리는 애팔래치아 광산. 메탄가스 유출로 늘 걱정과 공포에 시달리지만 광부들은 오늘도 기도와 함께 갱도로 들어간다. 본격적인 석탄 채굴과 함께 이상 징후가 발생하고 대피할 시간도 없이 폭발과 함께 무너져버린다. 게다가 침수까지 발생하고 산소는 단 1시간 밖에 없는데… 사상 최악의 광산 폭발 재난, 살아남기 위한 그들의 사투가 시작된다!
Girl in Park (uncredited)
난임 부부가 간절히 바라던 임신도, 젊은 남녀에게 느닷없이 찾아온 임신도, 이것 하나는 똑같다. 상상 이상으로 힘들다는 것! 임신과 출산의 현실을 유쾌하면서도 실감 나게 담아낸 올스타 캐스팅 로맨틱 코미디
A bumbling wedding party must battle the forces of hell when a bride becomes possessed by the Devil the night before her wedding.