Coerte Voorhees

참여 작품

The Lost Husband
Executive Producer
Trying to put her life back together after the death of her husband, Libby and her children move to her estranged Aunt's goat farm in central Texas.
굳은 의지의 아테네 변호인 2명이 대영박물관을 상대로 파르테논 신전 대리석을 그리스로 반환하기 위한 소송을 지휘한다.
Canyon Del Muerto
The film, written and produced by Coerte Voorhees, portrays the life of Ann Axtell Morris, one of the first female archaeologists. Axtell Morris (1900-1945) accompanied her husband Earl on archaeological excavations, including in Canyon de Chelly, Aztec Ruins and Mesa Verde, as well as the Yucatan peninsula of Mexico. The film is an historical drama shooting on location in New Mexico, Arizona, and the Yucatan in Fall 2020. Axtell Morris was married to Earl Halstead Morris - a primary inspiration for Indiana Jones. She is sometimes credited as the “co-discoverer” of the Anasazi or Ancestral Puebloan culture, although Southwestern Natives might well dispute that terminology.