Sound Editor
Thibault, Isabelle and their son Jeremie board their sailboat Joshua to sail the world and live a new life. The Gulf of Aden is watched over by Somali pirates, and while stopping in Djibouti, the happy family meets Mike, a black they know nothing about but innately trust. Inviting Mike to board the ship, the quartet travels onward in their sailboat…
Assistant Sound Editor
툴루즈 경찰서의 사라 벨라이슈 경감은 파리에서 온 리샤르 크로스 반장의 지휘하에 긴밀하게 얽힌 두 10대의 살인 사건을 수사한다. 상반되는 수사 방식에도 범인을 찾기 위해 어쩔 수 없이 합동 수사를 벌여야 하는 사라와 리샤르는 스페인과 프랑스에서 시간에 쫓기는 싸움을 벌인다.
Sound Editor
Thierry Barré is a skeptical and introverted artist who has three passions: art, wine and Don Quixote. One night, he frantically writes a short novel on a wine trip between France and Spain. His story goes unnoticed until a film producer decides to adapt it for cinema. This unexpected turn leads Thierry to pair with actor José Garcia, Joël Dupuch and a small film crew. Together, they will engage in an initiating wine trip to follow the map outlined in Thierry’s novel. With a half-broken vintage mini-cooper, a Don Quixote sculpture and 2,000 km of road, they will attempt to reach the Spanish region of La Mancha to bring Thierry’s novel to life.
Sound Editor
Ulysses, a secluded artist who mysteriously retired a few years ago, meets Mona, a young art student full of life. The encounter will change them both.
Sound Editor
Sound Re-Recording Mixer
Nada is going home. Or at least she wants to. When she comes back to Lebanon, she realizes she's a foreigner in her own country. But there's still a place she calls home: an abandoned house in ruins, haunted by the presence of her grandfather who disappeared mysteriously during the civil war. Something happened in this house. Something violent. A young woman searching for the truth and discovering herself.
Sound Recordist
가족을 잃고 혼자 남겨진 무당벌레 '땡글이' 흑개미들과 함께 설탕을 운반하는 거대한 여정에 오르게 되고... 절벽에서의 추락, 거대 붕어의 공격, 불개미들의 습격까지.. 위험을 이겨내고 흑개미들의 안식처인 개미탑에 도착하지만, 뒤를 쫓아온 불개미 군단의 무차별 공격에 개미탑이 무너질 위기에 처하는데..! 운명을 건 최후의 전쟁! 땡글이의 위대한 도전은 과연 성공할 수 있을까?