Mike Power

참여 작품

마릴린 먼로와 함께한 일주일
Property Master
1956년, ‘세기의 섹스 심볼’로 불리우며 전세계의 사랑을 한 몸에 받고 있던 ‘마릴린 먼로’는 영화 의 촬영 차 영국을 방문하게 된다. 언론과 대중들의 뜨거운 관심 속에 촬영은 시작되지만, ‘마릴린’은 감독이자 남자 주인공인 ‘로렌스 올리비에’와의 잦은 의견 충돌과 낯선 곳에서의 외로움으로 점점 지쳐간다. 그런 그녀를 위로해준 사람은 조감독 ‘콜린’ 뿐. ‘마릴린’은 한결같이 친절하고 따뜻하게 대해주는 ‘콜린’에게 점차 끌리게 되고, ‘콜린’ 역시 예민하지만 사랑스러운 ‘마릴린’의 매력에 흠뻑 빠지게 된다. 결국 두 사람은 숨막히는 촬영장을 벗어나 일주일간의 달콤한 시간을 보내게 되는데…
The Hound of the Baskervilles
Property Master
Sherlock Holmes and Dr. Watson are called in to unravel a mysterious curse that has plagued the Baskerville family for generations. When Sir Charles Baskerville is found dead, his heir, Sir Henry, begs Holmes to save him from the terrifying supernatural hound that has brought fear and death to his household.
Buried Treasure
Dressing Prop
Harry Jenkins is a self-made business man, who one day receives a message that his only daughter has died in a car crash. Last time he saw his daughter was at his wife's funeral. When trying to deal with his daughter's affairs, he finds out he is a grandfather of a nine-year-old girl, named Saffron. Since he is her only relative, social services hands over Saffron to him. At first he tries to get rid of her, but he soon finds out that they share more than his daughter, Saffron's mother. They take a trip from Manchester to London, to find Saffron's estranged father, but they find so much more
뷰티풀 씽
Property Master
Set during a long, hot summer on the Thamesmead Estate in Southeast London, three teenagers edge towards adulthood.