"AWAKENING" is a short film about an elderly woman (Louise Katchia) who hopes to restore her assimilated grandson's connection to their culture. Nathan (Solomon Trimble) is unwillingly sent to see a Shaman (Foster Kalama) in the cold backwoods of the Warm Springs Indian reservation. Immediately placed into a ceremony circle, Nathan is put into a trance on a spiritual quest to face his inner Native American as his modern self. Facing the unknown, Nathan overcomes his fear in an ultimate test of survival, fighting a violent cultural force within. Ultimately defeating the unknown, he becomes the inner Native American and restores his connection to his culture and faith.
A post-modern "western" film that explores the difference between an outlaw and a criminal. Set in an economically ravaged New York City with no central authority, the story centers around two bandits and a bounty hunter.
Jacob's Friend
17세의 평범한 고등학생 소녀 ‘벨라’는 집안 사정으로 워싱턴 주 포크스에 있는 아빠의 집으로 이사를 온다. 전학 첫날, ‘벨라’는 냉담하지만 자신을 무장 해제시킬 정도로 잘생긴 ‘에드워드’와 마주치고, 전율과 두려움 넘치는 인생의 전환을 맞이한다. ‘에드워드’와 돌이킬 수 없는 사랑에 빠져든 ‘벨라’. 하지만 ‘에드워드’와 그의 가족이 뱀파이어 일족이라는 사실을 알게 되고, 예기치 못한 운명에 빠져든다.