Emily Delahunty is an eccentric British romance novelist who lives in Umbria in central Italy. One day while travelling, the train she is on is bombed by terrorists. After she wakes up in a hospital, she invites three of the other survivors of the disaster to stay at her Italian villa for recuperation. Of these are The General, a retired British Army veteran, Werner, a young German man, and Aimee, a young American girl who has now become mute after her parents were both killed in the explosion.
빛바랜 사진처럼 황량한 영국의 공업도시, 소녀와 중년의 사내가 만난다. 10대 소녀 펠리시아는 주소도 남기지 않고 사라진 남자친구 조니를 찾아 고향 아일랜드를 떠나왔다. 아버지의 구박을 받으면서도 조니의 사랑을 믿는 펠리시아는 그의 아이를 임신한 사실을 알려주고자 막연한 여행에 나선다. 하지만 정확한 목적지를 알지 못하고 헤매다 지친 채, 우연히 만난 중년의 사내 힐디치의 도움으로 그의 집에 머문다. 요식업체 매니저인 힐디치는 저녁마다 혼자 진수성찬을 요리해 차려먹는 게 낙인 독신남. 어머니가 진행했던 50년대 TV요리프로그램을 녹화한 테이프를 늘상 틀어놓곤 하는 그의 내면은 과잉된 애정에 저당잡힌 유년 시절의 내상에서 자유롭지 못하다. 힐디치는 펠리시아처럼 방황하는 젊은 여자들에게 친절을 베풀지만, 애정에 대한 비틀린 집착과 두려움으로 결국 떠나갈 젊음들의 방종함에 죽음을 선고한다.
The painful memories of the tragedy that awaited the people of Drimaghleen on 2/11/88 have just begun to fade; Hetty Fortune and her TV documentary team travel there to piece those memories together into a story of horror.
Grania did something 15 years ago that brought her great happiness but also great pain. The events of that day have been a heavy secret to bear that, if discovered, would devastate those closest to her.
A Protestant Irish family is caught up in a conflict between Irish Republicans and the British army.
The plot follows Timothy Gedge, a socially inept yet intrusive teenage boy as he wanders around the dull seaside town of Dynmouth, spying on the town's residents. At first this behaviour is seen as merely annoying, even comical, until people begin to realise that his purpose may not be as innocent as initially thought.
The plot follows Timothy Gedge, a socially inept yet intrusive teenage boy as he wanders around the dull seaside town of Dynmouth, spying on the town's residents. At first this behaviour is seen as merely annoying, even comical, until people begin to realise that his purpose may not be as innocent as initially thought.
A mother tries to keep her son’s affections but embarrasses him in front of others.
An aging school teacher remembers times gone by and thinks about her own past.
A lonely farmer's daughter hopes to find love at the village ballroom.
Isabella and Henry were childhood sweethearts. Isabella dreams of the arrival of a vulgar woman named Emily.
Mr Mockler and Mrs Acland have never met, but gradually Mrs Acland 's ghosts begin to take over Mr Mockler 's life.
Eleanor seems normal enough to her parents and teachers. Why then has she disappeared?
A married man forms a liaison with a woman he meets on a train, and is divorced by his wife who allows him access to their daughters on Sundays, which they usually spend at the zoo.
When Mrs Hinch, the sinister charlady, decides to move in, General Suffolk fights his last battle.
The wife of a public school head becomes gradually aware that her husband has been physically abusing his pupils. Written by the master of late-middle-age morality plays, William Trevor.
A junk dealer is caught in the middle of a tug-of-war between a woman, her husband and his mistress when they sell a piece of their furniture.
Mavie cannot declare her love, because the object of her affections is a very busy man.
Milly and her friends have been going on holiday together ever since they've known each other. This summer they return to one of their favourite haunts, a beautiful Irish country hotel. It's a place full of fond memories for all of them, but on this occasion their sense of ease and comfort is destroyed when a terrible secret is revealed.