Vitaliya Kornienko
출생 : 2010-05-18, Moscow, Russia
Vitaliya Kornienko was born on May 18, 2010 in Moscow, Russia. She is an actress, known for Ikariya, Better Than Us (2018) and Severnoe siyanie (2018).
2027. A medical corporation launches a TV show to promote its revolutionary invention - the human head transplant. A group of young thrill-seekers gather on an island to play a dangerous game. The rules are simple: win or perish.The prize is priceless - immortality.
Little Girl
스탈린 공포정치 시대. 동료들의 존경과 상사들의 신망을 얻고 있던 볼코노고프 대위는 하루 아침에 변절자로 낙인 찍힌다. 점점 조여오는 추적망을 피해 달아나지만 과연 그는 업보를 피할 수 있을까? (제26회 부산국제영화제)
According to the plot, 13-year-old Sonya, her younger sister Anya and their mother move to live in the village. Relations with the locals do not add up, and there is little entertainment here. Unless you climb into an abandoned house, shrouded in stupid legends about an evil Dollmaker who allegedly steals children and makes puppets out of them.
Moscow with its glossy skyscrapers and busy highways is no longer home for Igor Sokolovsky. He took his daughter Sonya and moved to the picturesque countryside in the south. A cottage in the mountains, steep winding tracks, and a new eco-hotel as a family business - that's what his life is about now. But before the hotel's grand opening everything goes awry. The place gets smashed, then Sokolovsky meets another silver-spooner and steps on the toes of a local power broker who wants to destroy an entire residential area and build a winery there.
Devochka v samolyote
On August 24, 1981, the newlyweds Larisa and Vladimir Savitsky stepped on board the plane following the flight Komsomolsk-on-Amur - Blagoveshchensk. 30 minutes before landing, the civilian aircraft AN-24 collided with another aircraft and broke into pieces at an altitude of more than 5 kilometers above the ground. No one was supposed to survive ... but a miracle happened. Larisa Savitskaya woke up in the middle of the wreckage of the plane in the impenetrable taiga. Now she herself had to create a real miracle, which only a strong-minded person is capable of.
young Nika
The movie is based on the real story of Nika Turbina, once world-famous Soviet child poetess, who got completely forgotten in the 1990s. That's when we meet her: at the age of 27 Nika is full of hopes and doubts regarding her gift. Due to the age restriction, she's got just one shot to enter the Drama School, and that's her only chance to separate from her cherishing and oppressive mother. Acquaintance with a new friend Ivan gives Nika hope for a happy future, but there is still something in her memory that triggers her. Tragically cheerful, painfully confused and desperately believing in love and life after childhood, Nika puts everything on the line to overcome ghosts of the past.
살아있는 지뢰제거의 전설 디마 대위. 초대형 지뢰 폭발에서 홀로 살아남는다. 전쟁에 중독된 그는 또다시 최전방으로 향한다. 치열한 전투에서 부대장이 납치되고, 그를 구하기 위해 적진 깊이 들어간다. 최악의 전투 끝에 폭탄의 카운트다운이 시작되는데... 리얼 밀리터리 액션을 만난다!
20년 전 원인 불명의 비행기 추락사고에서 혼자 살아남은 카테리나는 6살 딸 다이애나와 함께 폭풍우 치는 밤에 비행기를 탄다. 좌석이 반쯤 비어있던 비행기 안에서 알 수 없는 이유로 승객들이 죽기 시작하자, 카테리나는 현실감각이 사라지며 어린 시절 겪었던 최악의 악몽을 다시 경험하게 되는데…
100 Minutes is the tale of thousands of Soviet soldiers who fought the Nazis and whose only ‘crime’ was to get caught. Stalin’s justice meted out on the prisoners who returned home was swift: ten years of forced labour in the Siberian camps. Why then would prisoners like Ivan Denisovich fight to stay alive to face another day of hell?
Sveta Vasilkova - my mother's "Firefly" - moves from a tiny village to the city to study at an elite school. The appearance of a strange newcomer in a red cap, who seems too smiling and naive, immediately changes the usual life of the class. The future elite of society is forced to look at themselves from the outside and find not the best features. Not everyone is ready for this, and a split occurs in the group. In order to somehow return the guy's attention, the beauty and leader of the company Zhenya decides to reveal the girl's secret.
1850년대 러시아 동화를 원작으로 하는 방대한 세계관의 판타지 영화. 백성들에게 큰 인기를 얻고 있는 소박한 존을 질투하는 탐욕스러운 왕은 그를 처단하기 위해 보통의 인간이라면 성공할 수 없을 미션을 내린다. 마법을 부리는 망아지의 도움으로 존은 여러번 난관을 극복하고, 모든 임무를 성공한 존에게 마지막으로 얼음왕국의 공주를 데려오라는 과제가 주어진다.
Kirill is nearing forty, and he has always managed to avoid any kind of obligations in life. He has never been married, he has no children, he had once won the European championship of mixed wrestling but he is not interested in victory anymore, only going to the ring to earn money. Today is no different from yesterday; disposable dishes at home, disposable women, never a thought about the future. One morning, however, Kirill meets in his kitchen a five-year-old Victoria, daughter of one of his one-night stands. The girl tells him that he is now her father and she will live with him because her mother left her with him. Finding out who the girl is, where she is from and whether she is his daughter, Kirill gradually starts taking care of the girl, feeling responsible to her and finally becomes a grown-up himself - to fight and win.
Child in Orphanage
1983년. 우주궤도를 돌던 오르비타-4호가 원인불명의 사고로 지구에 불시착한다. 국가는 사고의 원인을 규명하기 위해 유일한 생존자인 우주비행사를 조사한다. 이상하리만큼 빠른 회복 속도와 안정세, 모든 것이 의심스러운 가운데 보다 정밀한 조사를 위해 뇌전문의 클리모바가 연구소로 향하고 알 수 없는 새로운 현상들을 발견하게 되는데… 유일한 생존자, 그리고 함께 귀환한 그것, 예상치 못한 최악의 시나리오! 전쟁이 시작된다!
Daughter of Nadya and Sasha
What happens in fairy tales after the wedding of the prince and princess? Figure skater Nadia and hockey player Sasha got married and more than anything else they dream of a child. True, the price they will have to pay for this dream will be unimaginably high. After such upheavals, it seems impossible to count on a happy ending. But if you think so, you do not know anything about real tales...
Irina, the eldest daughter of Yashin
러시아의 소련 시기에 평범한 노동자 계급이었던 소년 시절을 보낸 레프 야신은 어릴 적부터 밤낮으로 축구를 해왔고 그라운드의 최전방 수비수인 골키퍼가 되는 것이 그의 유일한 꿈이었다. 야신의 천부적 재능은 유소년시절부터 뛰게 된 축구 경기 에서도 단연 돋보였고 ‘거미손’라는 별칭이 생길 만큼 골을 막아 승률을 높이는 데 큰 역할을 해내며 구단주들의 눈에 띄어 축구계의 유망주로 입지를 굳혀간다. 선수로 활약하며 주요 축구 대회에서 수상을 하는 데 큰 공을 세우기도 하고 디나모 대표팀과의 첫 경기에서 어이없이 내어준 골로 인해 2년 동안 벤치 생활을 하는 등 굴곡진 선수 시절을 보낸다. 하지만 야신은 포기하지 않고 주전으로 돌아가기 위해 혹독한 훈련을 받은 뒤 1960년 유러피안 컵 소련 국가대표로 선발된다. 이후 1962년 칠레 월드컵에서 칠레에 패해 8강에서 탈락한 뒤 선수 경력이 끝날 위기에 처하지만 1963년 런던에서 열린 세계 올스타 팀 경기에서 활약하여 야신의 위상은 다시 높아지기 시작하는데…
A Russian, a Jew and an Armenian came to Margarita to help her with some household repairs. But then came another surprise - a Black American who was determined on proposing to her. A Russian member of the State Duma, a Jewish teacher and an Armenian restaurateur decided they cannot possibly let her leave for the United States. It might be hard to persuade her to stay, but it’s not in the nature of people in Russia to give up easily. That day turned into night, which turned into morning and divided Margarita’s life into ‘before’ and ‘after’. After her guests almost crashed the apartment that they were supposed to help fix, Margarita understood that men are interested in many things - sex, politics, nationalism, internationalism, anarchy, family values, philosophical questions about the meaning of the world - but not in home repairs. And it is only in the end that she sees: men who are special do exist - but you have to look carefully…
Max loses his job at the plant and to feed his family, is forced to accept an unexpected offer former classmate to work as a stripper. Hiding the new profession from his wife, Ani, Max gets into a lot of amazing and ridiculous situations and end up losing the trust of the woman he loved. In an effort to return peace and harmony to the family, he appealed for help to colleagues from the strip club, that all leads to fun chaos...
A zombie apocalypse can happen tomorrow. But now there is a place where it is possible to escape.
Lyuda Belyaeva
미국과 소련은 급속한 냉전 시대 속에서 우주의 열망을 꿈꾸고 있었다. 두 나라 모두 2인 유인 우주선 발사에 총력을 기울였고, 소련의 노련한 비행사인 알렉세이에게 이 중대한 임무가 주어지게 된다. 약 2년 동안의 훈련을 거쳐 드디어 1965년 3월 소련이 먼저 우주선 발사에 성공하게 된다. 발사 성공에 모두의 기쁨도 잠시, 우주선의 이상으로 곧 착륙할 위기에 놓인 알렉세이와 그의 동료는 어쩔 수 없는 불시착을 시도하고 항공우주센터에서 포착할 수 없는 눈으로 뒤 덮인 어디론가 착륙하게 된다. 인류 최초의 2인 유인 우주선의 주인공이었던 알렉세이와 그의 동료는 이 위기를 벗어날 수 있을 것인가?
끔찍한 과거를 가지고 있는 저주받은 자동차. 그리고 이를 중고시장에서 구입한 젊은 부부 올가와 안드레이. 가벼운 마음으로 부부 관계 회복을 위해 떠난 여행에서 이들은 정체불명의 존재가 함께 동승하고 있다는 느낌을 떨쳐 버릴 수 없다. 한적하고 외진, 어두운 길 위에서 과학적으로 설명할 수 없는 미스터리 한 일들이 벌어지고 이들은 극도의 불안과 생생한 공포를 겪게 되는데… 과연 이들은 이를 극복하고 목적지에 무사히 도착할 수 있을 것인가?
In an old coat with a cardboard suitcase, Yulya arrives to conquer the capital. Her Aunt Valya helps her get a job as a live-in nurse for Alla Nikolaevna, a wealthy and capricious old woman who had a stroke. A little time passes, and Alla and her son Pavel grow fond of Yulya. Only Pavel's wife, Lena, does not believe in the "good angel". And she seems to be right…