Pawan Singh

참여 작품

People who can’t be moulded into the stereotypes that society has set, often find it difficult to make a place for themselves in the same society. Hailing from a small town in India, Artika believes herself to be modern, liberal and most importantly, independent. Not the one who shies away from speaking her mind. She struggles to find a place to stay in Mumbai, overcoming the clichéd remarks of being a “single working girl living alone”. However, an unprecedented encounter with a transgender sex worker opposite her house, questions her beliefs. Will she now fall into the same societal prejudices that she has been fighting against?
호텔 뭄바이
The Bull (voice)
도시 중심부 곳곳에 총격과 폭탄 테러가 이어지자 사람들은 피난처를 찾아 100년의 역사를 지닌 타지마할 팰리스 호텔로 몰려든다. 그런데 하필이면 테러범들도 그 호텔을 최후의 격전지로 계획한 상황. 인파 사이에 섞여 호텔 안으로 숨어든 그들은 이내 무차별 사격을 가하기 시작한다. 고객의 안전을 최우선하는 호텔 직원 아르준(데브 파텔), 수석 셰프 오베로이(아누팜 커), 갓 태어난 아들과 여행 온 부부 데이빗(아미 해머)과 자흐라(나자닌 보니아디)는 호텔의 비밀스러운 공간을 옮겨다니며 생존을 위해 악전고투를 펼친다.
Away from home in a boarding school, 18-year-old Dhruv is ignorant about the ongoing crisis in his family. His life takes an unexpected turn as he gets the news of his father’s death in a car accident. As he copes with the tragedy, hidden truths begin to unravel. Even as his mother Nandini struggles to shield him, Dhruv starts looking for answers. Was his father's death an accident or a premeditated murder? The search leads to a series of unexpected revelations, as he discovers the shades of his father’s personality he had never seen before.
Casting Assistant
신성한 도시 베나레스를 배경으로, 상류층 소녀와 금지된 사랑에 빠진 청년과, 주홍글씨를 달고 살아가는 여성의 이야기가 펼쳐진다. 삶과 죽음이 공존하는 곳에서 가혹한 운명의 덫에 걸린 이들의 눈물겨운 삶에도 과연 희망이 있을까? [제 20회 부산국제영화제]