Gary Farkas

참여 작품

Too Close to the Sun
When he leaves hospital, 30-something Basil moves in with his younger sister and closest confidant, Sarah. Living with a psychiatric disorder, Basil tries his best to re-establish a sense of normality in both his work and his love life. But, whilst hiding his illness from his new relatives, how long can he maintain this fragile stability?
The Damned Don't Cry
Fatima-Zahra and her teenage son Selim move from place to place, forever trying to outrun the latest scandal she’s caught up in. When Selim discovers the truth about their past, Fatima-Zahra vows to make a fresh start. In Tangier, new opportunities promise the legitimacy they each crave but not without pushing the volatile mother-son relationship to the breaking point.
Lux Æterna
Two actresses, Béatrice Dalle and Charlotte Gainsbourg, are on a film set telling stories about witches.
Sportin' Life
Sportin’ Life is the sixth incarnation of the international art project Self, curated by Saint Laurent’s creative director, Anthony Vaccarello. This project is an artistic commentary on society while emphasizing the complexity of various individuals through the eyes of artists who evoke the Saint Laurent attitude of confidence, individuality and self-expression. The documentary is an exploration into the sources and personal history of creativity, the essential life of an artist. Raw and sharp, it has the feeling of a moment in time that is still happening. Abel Ferrara’s intimate and lush look at his own life, his world refracted through his art – music, filmmaking, his collaborators and inspirations such as Ferrara’s early works and his creative partnerships with Willem Dafoe, Joe Delia, Paul Hipp and the musicians who inspired this work.
린과 루시
Associate Producer
린과 루시는 세상에 둘도 없는 친구다. 두 사람은 마치 연인처럼 돈독한 사이를 이어왔다. 첫사랑과 결혼해 하루가 커가는 딸을 둔 린은 변덕스러운 친구 루시에게 아기가 생겼다는 말에 기쁨을 감추지 못한다. 하지만, 린의 예상과는 달리, 루시는 엄마가 되는 일이 마냥 반갑지만은 않다. 얼마 지나지 않아, 두 사람은 극단적인 상황에 휘말리게 되고, 두 사람의 우정에도 위기가 찾아온다.
더 자이언트
A teenager's small town life is changed forever when a series of murders begin on the same night that her missing boyfriend suddenly reappears.
The Charmer
A young Iranian man is desperately trying to meet women who can secure his stay in Denmark. As time runs out, he falls in love and his past catches up with him. The film deals with themes of race, class, and the struggle for a better life.
Around teatime, Mr. Kaplan's doorbell rings. This is Jean who appears behind the door, a visit he had stopped waiting for long ago...
샘 워즈 히어: 살인 마을
인적이 느껴지지 않는 캘리포니아 모하비 사막. 하늘에는 이상하게 붉은 광선이 떠있다. 평범한 가정판매원 ‘샘’은 모텔을 전전하며 소원해진 아내에게 메시지를 남긴다. 그는 내일 있을 딸의 생일에 맞춰 하루 빨리 아내와 딸이 있는 집에 돌아가길 원하지만 마을에서는 인적을 전혀 찾아볼 수 없고, 아내도 전화에 응하지 않는다. 그에게 닿는 사람의 목소리는 지역 라디오 방송의 진행자 ‘에디’의 목소리뿐. ‘에디’는 계속해서 마을의 섬뜩한 아동 살인범에 대해 수시로 방송으로 내보낸다. 그러던 어느 날 자신의 호출기에 신원 불명의 욕설이 들려오기 시작하면서 점점 해괴한 일들이 벌어지기 시작 하는데… 광활한 사막 한가운데 철저하게 혼자가 되는 공포, 감춰진 침묵 속 진실은 무엇인가!