After losing his father, Brady reluctantly moves from the city to his grandparents' home. The young boy struggles to find his place in this new life.
After losing his father, Brady reluctantly moves from the city to his grandparents' home. The young boy struggles to find his place in this new life.
First Assistant Director
갑자기 이별과 마주한 네 여자, 이해할 수 없지만 어쩌다 같이 사는 그녀들의 인생 드라마. 괜찮아... 있는 그대로. 우리가 이별 뒤에 알게 되는 것들...
In a dystopian world, a freelance healthcare technician takes on a new project that tests his limits.
Production Manager
고등학교 동창인 엠마와 앤드류가 술집에서 우연히 마주치면서 서로 호감이 생기고 연인이 있던 두 사람 각각의 사랑에 금이 가기 시작한다.
Assistant Director
Tim and Claire have found a cutting-edge (and kinky) solution to their money troubles: a controversial mind-transfer service that allows Tim to rent his body out to paying customers - so they can spend some "quality time" with his girlfriend Claire. But as police begin to crack down on the grey-market tech, Tim pushes for one more payday from a repeat customer, despite a firm "no" from Claire. When Tim goes ahead with the transfer behind her back, he learns he's not the only one keeping secrets. Produced with a grant awarded by BravoFACT
First Assistant Director
A young girl is abducted by a man, who claims that a cult is hunting her. His goal is to protect her until sunrise but while restrained, the young girl falls deathly ill. While her friends and family search for her, the source of her illness becomes more and more apparent. She’s not sick…she’s changing.
Associate Producer
A young girl is abducted by a man, who claims that a cult is hunting her. His goal is to protect her until sunrise but while restrained, the young girl falls deathly ill. While her friends and family search for her, the source of her illness becomes more and more apparent. She’s not sick…she’s changing.
First Assistant Director
자전거 택배 일을 하는 헬렌은 얼마 전 당한 교통사고로 인한 트라우마에 시달리고 있다. 그러던 어느 날, 헬렌은 자신이 밤사이 어딘가에 다녀온 것만 같은 느낌을 갖게 되지만 아무 것도 기억해낼 수 없는 이상한 현상을 겪게 된다. 계속되는 이상한 현상들에 병원을 찾게 된 헬렌은 담당의사로부터 MRI 촬영 결과 자신이 쌍생아였고 쌍생아의 사체 일부가 그녀의 몸 속에 종양화되어 남아 있다는 충격적인 이야기를 듣게 된다. 그 후 헬렌의 몸상태는 점점 더 악화되기 시작해 자신도 모르는 사이에 폭력적이고 괴기스러운 행동들을 하게 되자 두려운 마음에 이 사실을 자신의 가장 친한 친구인 몰리에게 털어놓게 되는데...