

출생 : 1935-08-02, Rabat, Morocco

사망 : 2013-09-19


From Wikipedia Hamidou Benmessaoud (Arabic: حميدو بنمسعود‎; 2 August 1935 – 19 September 2013), best known as Amidou, was a Moroccan-French film, television and stage actor. Born in Rabat, at 17 Amidou moved to Paris to attend the CNSAD. In 1968 he made his debut on stage, in Jean Genet's Les paravents. Amidou is probably best known for his association with director Claude Lelouch, with whom he has shot eleven films, including the Lelouch's film debut Le propre de l'homme (1960). He made his debut in a Maroccan film in 1969, starring in Soleil de printemps directed by Latif Lahlou. His career includes roles in Spaghetti Westerns like Buddy Goes West and several American productions, including William Friedkin's Sorcerer, John Frankenheimer's Ronin and John Huston's Escape to Victory. In 1969 Amidou was awarded best actor at the Rio de Janeiro International Film Festival for his role in Life Love Death by Claude Lelouch, later he won best actor awards at the Cairo Film Festival (for Pursuit by Leila Triquie) and at the Tangier Film Festival (for Rachid Boutounes' Here and There). In 2005, he received at the hands of Martin Scorsese a Lifetime Career Award at the International Film Festival of Marrakech. He was also the first Moroccan actor to have won an acting award at the National Conservatory of Dramatic Art. Amidou died on 19 September 2013 in Paris, France. He was 78.

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참여 작품

Aïcha : Job à tout prix
Mr. Bouamaza
Aïcha : Vacances infernales
M. Bouamaza
Aïcha : La grande débrouille
M. Bouamaza
Rid of her rival Gloria, Aïcha will do everything to make her boss proud, with Ginette's help. Patrick presents her with a love ultimatum: their mothers must meet. And to top it off, things are getting worse in the neighborhood.
꼼므 레 쌩끄 드와 데 라 맹
Five brothers similar yet different, raised by a mother widowed too early. One of them had left the family when he returns, pursued by a gang of smugglers, he find shelter in his family while reveling them a dark secret. The five brothers, together, will find the energy to defend themself and the means to avenge the memory of their murdered father...
M. Bouamaza
Ali Baba and the 40 thieves
Le Caliphe
The story of Ali Baba, who takes on forty thieves to save the Caliph of Baghdad and prevent a war between the Orient and the Occident.
After the death of her husband Amghar, killed by the settlers, Tamghart resists the maneuvers of the traitor Hammou who quietly negotiates, despite the villagers, the elimination of the argan tree to pass a road. But Rachid’s bitter struggle, back in the village after long years of study abroad, puts an end to Hammou’s evil schemes.
Heaven's Doors
As co-directed by brothers Swad and Imad Noury (and produced by their mother, Pilar Cazorla), The Moroccan picture Heaven's Doors (2005) employs an episodic narrative, with three related substories presented sequentially. The Nourys shoot the episodes in distinct cinematographic styles (and with distinct overtones) suited to each tale, recalling Humberto Solas's masterpiece Lucia (1969).
Here and There
“Rahal” immigrated to Europe forty years ago. Scandalized by the behavior of his eldest son who participated in a heist, he decides to return to Morocco for good. In his native country, “Rahal” intends to take matters into his own hands. Events take another detour.
And Now... Ladies and Gentlemen...
l'inspecteur de police
A jazz singer and a British jewel thief are brought together by their mutual desire to forget the past.
Une histoire d'amour
Aziz meets Wafaa, a young prostitute and tries to get out of his condition. His task won't be easy.
스파이 게임
Dr. Ahmed
때는 1991년, 은퇴를 준비하고 있는 CIA의 베테랑 요원 나단 뮈어(Nathan Muir: 로버트 레드포드 분)는 자신의 부하였던 젊은 요원 톰 비숍(Tom Bishop: 브래드 피트 분)이 중국에서 스파이 혐의로 체포되었다는 소식을 듣는다. 비숍은 24시간 후 사형에 처해질 예정이지만 CIA 수뇌부는 국제관계 악화를 우려해 쉽게 결단을 내리지 못한다. 뮈어는 자신이 알고 있는 모든 지혜와 실력을 동원하여 비숍을 구출하기로 결심한다. 베트남 전선에서 저격수로 활약했던 비숍을 스카웃해 그에게 모든 것을 가르쳤던 뮈어의 머릿 속에서 그들의 과거가 빠르게 스쳐 지나간다. 함께 사선을 넘나들며 쌓은 우정과 베를린에서 베이루트까지 종횡무진했던 위험한 스파이 활동, 그들의 우정을 흔들리게 만든 한 여인(Elizabeth Hadley: 캐서린 맥코맥 분)까지.
룰스 오브 인게이지먼트
Dr. Ahmar
미국 해병대 소속으로 베트남전을 비롯, 베이루트, 패트리어트 사막 전투 등 수많은 전쟁에서 공을 세운 전설적인 군인 테리 칠더스 대령에게 예맨의 미국 대사 가족을 보호하는 임무가 맡겨진다. 시민들의 시위가 폭동의 수준에까지 이르자 칠더스(사무엘 L. 잭슨)는 그들을 헬기로 탈출시키려 한다. 그러나 시위대로부터 날아온 총알에 동료들과 자신의 목숨을 지키기 위해 시위대에 대응 사격한다. 그러나 칠더스는 교전법칙을 어겼다는 이유로 군법 회의에 회부되고 정부는 외교 분쟁을 막으려고 칠더스를 희생양으로 삼기로 한다. 칠더스는 자신의 변호사로 지금은 알콜중독자이나 직접 전쟁을 경험한 하지스(토미 리 존스)를 선임한다. 하지스는 베트남전에서 자신의 생명을 구해준 칠더스의 부탁을 마지 못해 받아들인다. 그들은 미국 정부에 대응해 싸움을 시작하는데...
Hideous Kinky
Sufi Sheikh
In 1972, disenchanted about the dreary conventions of English life, 25-year-old Julia heads for Morocco with her daughters, six-year-old Lucy and precocious eight-year-old Bea.
Man at Exchange
프랑스 파리, 아일랜드 테러리스트인 시무스(Seamus: 조나단 프라이스 분)는 그들이 원하는 가방을 손에 넣기 위해 용병인 샘(Sam: 로버트 드 니로 분)를 포함하여 6명을 고용한다. 이들은 전술가 샘을 위시하여, 카레이서 래리(Larry: 스킵 서듀스 분), 무기 전문가 스펜스(Spence: 숀 빈 분), 전자기기 전문가 그레고(Gregor: 스텔란 스카스가드 분), 프랑스 코디네이터 빈센트(Vincent: 쟝 르노 분), 여자 대원 다이어드레(Dierdre: 나타샤 맥엘혼 분)으로 구성되어 있다. 서로 잘 알지 못하는 이들은 임무를 수행하기 위해 무기를 구입하던 중 평소에 조심스러운 성격의 샘은 빈센트의 생명을 구하게 되어 그의 신임을 얻는다. 고용된 특수전문가 여섯명은 군대에서 훈련받은 용사로 전술과 무기에 관한 완벽한 지식을 갖춘 대단한 능력의 소유자들이다. 가방이 여러 경호원의 보호하에 수송 중이라는 정보를 가지고 그들은 니스로 향한다. 그곳에서 샘은 직접 현장을 답사하며 구체적 계획을 세우는데.
During a happy evening, the famous professor Levy, one of the masters of cardiac surgery, collapses, struck by a heart attack. His whole life comes back to him, and in particular his childhood, enlightened by a loving and beloved mother.
Lalla Hoby
Det. Brahms
An American woman uses herself as bait to help a CIA agent trap an alleged serial killer in Morroco.
The Big Pardon 2
Si Ali
The mobster Raymond Bettoun gets out of prison and joins his son Maurice in Miami, a drug trafficker who is about to launch a huge operation. But he falls into a trap and a war begins in which Raymond will fight a last battle to try to save his son and what remains of his family.
The Beautiful Story
Le berger
A film with emphasis on visuals and music, the plot concerns characters who meet in present time, mainly the male gypsy Jesus, and the female thief and con-artist Odona, who share parallel experiences from lives 2000 years in the past. These stories are juxtaposed.
Hot Chocolate
B.J. Cassidy, a rich businesswoman, has to invest several billion dollars for fiscal reasons. She undertakes to buy back a small French factory, specialized in chocolate truffles...
Brothers in Arms
Le Kabyle
Simon, a Jewish police inspector, arrests Karim, a Muslim, in the bust of a drug smuggling cargo ship, only to realize that Karim is an undercover agent from the military intelligence, whose mission he was not aware of. The two men pursue the narc investigation, which will lead them to confront middle eastern terrorists together.
Bitter Champagne
In North Africa, a father and his illegitimate son are in love with the same woman.
The Night Wears Suspenders
Jézabel, a worldly young woman, takes hold of Ariel, a shy and inexperienced young man, and leads him by hook or by crook through the wild side of Paris nightlife.
Farewell Fred
Fred is a gambler and deep in debt. He owes crime boss Victor a lot of money and the time to pay has come. He decides to take a massive risk to refund his debts and agrees to kill a man. Fred knows he has to pay his debt and that the only way to do it is to carry out the hit arranged by Victor.
승리의 탈출
독일 겐스돌프에 있는 연합군포로수용소에 포로들은 오랜 억류생활에서 축구로서 기분전환을 하게 된다. 이 수용소의 포로들에 대한 평화의 위장을 위해 연합군 포로팀과 독일팀과의 친선시합을 제의한다. 수용소안의 탈주위원회에서는 이 시합을 탈주에 이용하려 한다. 수용소안의 축구를 지도하는 콜비대위의 제안에 따른 다른 수용소에 있는 전직 축구선수들이 도착한다. 미식축구 출신인 해치대위는 수번의 탈주 실패 끝에 성공하여 파리의 레지스탕스와 접선, 시합 때 탈출시키는데 협조를 구하고...
Buddy goes West
Girolamo / Eagle Eye
Trinity series star Bud Spencer returns to the Wild West in director Michele Lupo's comic tale of an outlaw drifter, Buddy, who is mistaken for a doctor after his Indian companion inadvertently steals a bag of surgical instruments. When a band of murderous outlaws attempts to overrun the small town Buddy is passing through, the presumed medico shows that his true talent is cracking skulls. Music is composed by Ennio Morricone.
Kassem / 'Martinez'
1953년 이탈리아 영화인 를 미국에서 리메이크했다. 프랑스의 사업가로 주식 사기에 연루되어 파탄에 이른 남자. 중동의 테러리스트로 동료들이 모두 체포되거나 사살되고 혼자 살아남은 남자. 4인조 강도가 실수로 지역 갱단 보스의 동생을 죽인 후 도주하던 중 살아남은 한 남자. 이렇게 각기 절박한 상황에 처한 세 명이 펼치는 이야기.
In a bold coup a Palestinian terrorist group captures the yacht Rosebud and kidnaps the millionaires five daughters on it. At first they demand film clips to be shown on major European TV stations. Undercover agent Martin is hired to hunt the terrorists down.
Man in the Trunk
A beautiful and thoroughly modern young French women, Francoise, gets involved with an Israeli agent working in Libya. The agent is exposed and in order to save his life, he has to be smuggled out of the country in a trunk ("valise"). Francoise and the agent get through a lot of turbulent adventures, in the process of which the thoroughly liberated young woman also seduces a Libyan agent and an Egyptian officer, who also fall wildly in love with here.
The Punishment
Britt, deluxe call-girl, is punished by the brothel owner because she was not accomodating enough to a customer. From now on, she must obey to all customers sadistic wishes, or else.
Smic, Smac, Smoc
Robert 'Smoc'
Charles, Jean and Amidou are workmen at the La Ciotat shipyards and live in the same construction facility. One day, Amidou leaves them to marry Catherine, a salesgirl. The trouble for Charles and Jean is that going to their friend's wedding means buying new clothes, which is problematic given their low income Moreover, they are determined to make this day an unforgettable one, despite their lack of money. Will they be able achieve their aim?
Touch and Go
North Africa, December 1942. Valentin, a professional gardener ruined by the bombings of 1940, has fled to Tunis, where he traffics stolen goods, transporting them from Libya to Tunisia on an old boat.
Tre dritti a St. Tropez
The Crook
A thief known as Simon the Swiss faces up and downs in his criminal profession.
Countdown to Vengeance
10 years ago, François Nolan and his brother have been betrayed by one of their accomplices after a break-in. During the fight with the police, Francois's brother was killed, and a cop disfigured by François. Now, François is back for revenge. As nobody knows who the traitor was, the former accomplices lose their head. The disfigured cop is also waiting for the right moment to take his revenge on François.
Life Love Death
François Toledo
François Toledo, married businessman and father, falls head-over-heels in love with Janine, a work colleague. However, he is soon found out: after three dates, he strangles some prostitutes, when, the victim of blackmail, he becomes dishonored. He is taken to court, and sentenced to be killed by a guillotine.
Spring Sun
The story of a young man of peasant origin, a minor official in Casablanca, which can not adapt to life in the big city.
The mistress of a wealthy man misses material comforts when she leaves him for a younger lover.
Sorrel Flower
Catherine is left unmarried and pregnant when her mobster sweetheart is killed in this gangster comedy. With the help of another unmarried mother-to-be, Catherine goes looking for the stash of cash buried by her lover before his death. Soon other thugs and her suspicious neighbors are following their every move in an attempt to recover the lost loot...
Live for Life
Famous TV newscaster Robert Colomb is married to Catherine, but is continually unfaithful to her. Then he meets, and becomes fascinated with Candice.
Les grands moments
Four prisoners are gathered in the same cell. Each tells the others how he got there.
Brigade Anti Gangs
Nez Cassé
The struggle between a ruthless leader of a bank robbers - Raymond Pellegrin - and the cops who are determined to put him in jail for long.
To Be a Crook
Four young people, tired of working life, decide that they can earn money from crime than they can from work. The film follows their training at the first "crime school", as well as their work.
La Parole est au témoin
Le propre de l'homme