Ton Gras

참여 작품

기적의 지형도가 있다. 요나는 곤충과 어류를, 시냐는 초목을 살펴본다. 이들은 하루 동안 정원과 도서관에 있다가 기차를 타고 도시를 떠나 호숫가에 텐트를 친다. 책을 읽고 과일을 먹고 숲속을 산책하고 차가운 호수에서 수영을 하면서 세상과 점점 멀어지는 듯하다. 한 사람이 나타나 이들은 세 명이 된다. 하지만 다른 세 명의 사람과 다른 호수, 다른 장소, 다른 시간이 존재한다.
Atlas de geografía humana
Camarero hotel lujo
Like the four seasons, the love history of four friends is recounted at 4 different times. One doesn't love her husband anymore, another is a single mother, the next one has an unfaithful husband and finally there is room for the shy spinster too.
Memorias del general Escobar
After the end of the Spanish Civil War, General Antonio Escobar Huerta stoically awaits his execution, accused of military treason and sentenced to death for having sworn allegiance to the Republic. Despite being a man of deep religious convictions, Antonio Escobar decided to make an oath honoring the legally constituted government of the Second Spanish Republic against the military uprising led by Francisco Franco and supported by the Catholic Church. While waiting for his execution in prison, he recalls the beginning of the Civil War, the years of battles during which he ascended to the rank of General, and his own decisions, of which he has no regrets. With a clear conscience, Escobar waits his own execution with the calm of those who know they have done their duty. "If my life and that of all who have fallen serves to avoid this from happening again, our blood will not have been in vain" - Antonio Escobar Huerta.