Denis Do

Denis Do

출생 : 1985-01-01, Paris, France

프로필 사진

Denis Do

참여 작품

The Forest of Miss Tang
It portrays a Teochew family over six generations in Swatow, China, from the 19th century to the present. As background, the film will set under the great upheavals of China and the temptation to migrate.
The Forest of Miss Tang
It portrays a Teochew family over six generations in Swatow, China, from the 19th century to the present. As background, the film will set under the great upheavals of China and the temptation to migrate.
1975 킬링필드, 푸난
1975년, 캄보디아 수도 프놈펜이 공산주의 무장단체 크메르 루주에 의해 장악된다. 평범한 삶을 살던 '슈'의 가족들은 하루아침에 길 위로 내몰리고 피난 중에 3살 아들 '소반'이 없어진다. 희망 없는 현실 속에서 모든 걸 포기하려는 순간, '슈'에게 아들을 만날 마지막 기회가 찾아온다.
1975 킬링필드, 푸난
1975년, 캄보디아 수도 프놈펜이 공산주의 무장단체 크메르 루주에 의해 장악된다. 평범한 삶을 살던 '슈'의 가족들은 하루아침에 길 위로 내몰리고 피난 중에 3살 아들 '소반'이 없어진다. 희망 없는 현실 속에서 모든 걸 포기하려는 순간, '슈'에게 아들을 만날 마지막 기회가 찾아온다.
몬스터 랜드
Set Designer
좀비, 뱀파이어, 유령, 늑대인간, 마녀 등 다양한 괴물들을 고용하여 운영중인 ‘몬스터 랜드’에 어느날 안전 담당 공무원 엑토르가 나타나 규정을 어겼다며 경영난을 겪고 있는 이곳을 폐쇄하려 하자, 뱀파이어 매니저 프랑시스는 그를 좀비로 만든다. 졸지에 외동 딸 루시와 생이별을 하게 된 엑토르는 다시 딸과 만날 수 있을까?
사샤의 북극 대모험
북쪽 세계를 꿈꾸는 러시아 귀족 소녀 사샤는 북극을 탐험하러 갔다가 돌아오지 못한 유명 북극과학자인 할아버지 올로킨의 운명에 괴로워한다. 사샤는 항상 할아버지의 모험 가득한 삶을 동경하며 할아버지와 같은 탐험가의 피를 가진 소녀이다. 하지만 이미 사샤의 정략결혼 상대까지 찾아놓은 부모님은 사샤의 모험을 강력하게 반대한다. 하지만 자신 앞에 놓인 운명을 거슬러 집을 도망친 사샤는 할아버지와 할아버지의 배를 찾아 북쪽 세계로 모험의 길을 떠난다.
Titeuf is a comic series created by Swiss draughtsman Zep (real name Philippe Chapuis) depicting the life of a young boy (the title's namesake Titeuf, "Tootuff" in the English translation) and his vision of the adult world & themes such as love, sex, seduction and mysteries about the girls. In this film, Titeuf (Donald Reignoux) is off on a new comedic adventure! Things get complicated when Nadia (Melanie Bernier) doesn’t invite Titeuf to her birthday party, which is surely the most horrible moment of his life. Before long, Titeuf’s whole life is turned upside down when his parents are nearly deported. Everything continues to spiral out of control even in the midst of Titeuf’s exhaustive attempts to make matters right.
VIP (Vegetable in Paradise)
During the Annecy festival, while the young festival goers flock to the screenings, a producer relaxes on the lake.
Le ruban
China, in the early sixties: an angry mob is persecuting a rich landowner. Mei, a young worker, who is part of the crowd. Suddenly she recognizes the victim who she secretly loves. Frightened of revealing her feelings, Mei doesn't know what to do.
Sorya, a young Cambodian woman aged 17 years old, arrives in Phnom Penh to work in a textile factory with her best friend, Lida. With a hellish pace of work and no talking allowed, Sorya is not a natural at sewing, unlike her friend who rapidly works her way up the corporate ladder. Sorya prefers the nightlife and city living of the capital. One night, she is singing karaoke in Lucky bar. Everybody there is captivated by her voice. It’s the beginning of her path to stardom but between love affairs, friendships that are broken and then mended, desire and frustration, more trouble lies ahead for Sorya as she tries to find her path in life!
Sorya, a young Cambodian woman aged 17 years old, arrives in Phnom Penh to work in a textile factory with her best friend, Lida. With a hellish pace of work and no talking allowed, Sorya is not a natural at sewing, unlike her friend who rapidly works her way up the corporate ladder. Sorya prefers the nightlife and city living of the capital. One night, she is singing karaoke in Lucky bar. Everybody there is captivated by her voice. It’s the beginning of her path to stardom but between love affairs, friendships that are broken and then mended, desire and frustration, more trouble lies ahead for Sorya as she tries to find her path in life!