The story of the boy Sana, a pupil of a boarding school in the Far North. His father drowned in the White Sea, and one day the child's intransigence and thirst for justice lead the child to a small island. Sanya will have to face the local "hermit" and even the police, but, most importantly, the teenager will challenge the very elements.
The story of how a son gets a second chance to find a mother. About how war generates only human grief and creates unhealed wounds. The hero of the picture, 40-year-old Walter, left his native land for several years and works as a foreman at one of the Moscow construction projects. He builds not only houses in Russia, but also tries to build his new life. However, one day a phone call from his homeland breaks all his plans. Walter learns that the hostilities have reached the village in the mountains where his mother lives.
In this satyrical story, a rather unlucky young theater director finds himself without work and means of subsistence. To somehow make ends meet, on the advice of a friend he decides to become a director of pornographic films, using creativity and psychological aspect in his work...
모스크바 변두리에서 현금을 운송하며 살아가는 빅터와 파블릭은 삭막한 일상을 보낸다. 단지 더 많은 돈을 벌기를 원할 뿐 이들의 삶에 다른 희망은 찾기 어렵다. 그러던 어느날 빅터와 파블릭은 마을 주민을 대상으로 한 시 창작 수업에 등록하는 한편 현금 강탈을 계획한다. 건조하고 잔인한 폭력 묘사와 일상의 감상적 순간이 묘한 조화를 만드는 작품.
With her the husband and her mother Katya lives in a small provincial town and works at the local factory. The mother suddenly falls ill and decides to transfer her property to her son, Katya’s brother. Katya feels this decision to be unjust, and begins to fight for her inheritance. In pursuit of imaginary material well-being Katya decides on a most desperate act.
The hero of the film is an ordinary Moscow teenager. And he lives a completely normal life. With one exception: he is a fan of the game "Dogy kayf", although for a long time it has not played. But today he will try to play again ...
A young girl dreaming to become an actress goes through hell with an orphan baby on her hands. The whole world seems to be against her. She meets the love of her life when there is no one to stand by her.
A young artist gets into a scuffle with bikers after dabbling in graffiti on the subway. This altercation costs him a trip to Italy, and he is sent to rural Russia instead. However, his journey takes an unexpected turn.